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  1. 2024年2月11日 · PCI types include: Balloon angioplasty. A balloon is inserted and inflated in your artery to press plaque out of the way. Laser angioplasty. A laser is inserted on the end of a catheter and ...

    • Cheryl Whitten
  2. 2022年12月16日 · Masturbation is a very common behavior, even among people who have a sex partner. In one national study, 95% of males and 89% of females reported that they have masturbated. Masturbation is the ...

  3. 2023年8月21日 · Our bodies need selenium to work well, but there are risks to adding more to your diet, including: Side effects. Taken at normal doses, selenium doesn't usually have side effects. An overdose of ...

  4. 2023年3月20日 · A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or infected. A tooth's nerve and pulp can become irritated, inflamed, and infected due to deep decay; repeated ...

  5. 2022年11月17日 · When hip impingement causes symptoms, it may be referred to as hip impingement syndrome. The main symptoms are "pain" in the groin, especially when walking or flexing the hip, and decreased range ...

  6. 2022年6月6日 · The causes of osteoarthritis of the hip are not known. Factors that may contribute include joint injury, increasing age, and being overweight. In addition, osteoarthritis can sometimes be caused ...

  7. 2023年9月5日 · Canker sores are small, shallow wounds in your mouth that can make eating and talking uncomfortable. Learn more about canker sore causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, home remedies, and prevention.

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