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  1. 爱词霸英语翻译器为广大英文学习爱好者提供即时的在线翻译、在线词典、英文写作校对、汉译英、英译汉、图片、文档翻译、汉语词等服务,金山词霸在线词翻译频道致力于提供优质的在线翻译、词服务.

  2. 多端数据云端同步,支持多个设备拍照语音翻译,支持英法日等7国语音. 立即下载. 爱词霸英语翻译器为广大英文学习爱好者提供即时的在线翻译、在线词典、英文写作校对、汉译英、英译汉、图片、文档翻译、汉语词等服务,金山词霸在线词翻译频道致力于 ...

  3. use, apply, employ, utilize, avail, exploit 这些动词均含"使用,应用"之意。use : 普通用词,着重为达到某一目的而利用某人或某物。 apply : 指将一事物运用于另一事物之上以发挥其有效作用。 employ : 指使用处于消极状态或未被用过的人或物,可以与use换用,但强调进行选择、充分利用。

  4. search是什么意思_search用英语怎么说_search的翻译_search翻译成_search的中文意思_search怎么读,search的读音,search的用法,search的例句 His house had clearly been searched and the book was missing.显然有人来搜过他的房子——那本书不见了。牛津词典

  5. Emotional people don't stop to calculate. 感情容易冲动的人做事往往不加考虑. 《简明英汉词典》. To change something to fit new condition, especially to calculate and settle an insurance claim. 改变某事以适合新情况, 尤指对保险索赔的计算和清算. 期刊摘选. You can easily calculate the memory space a ...

  6. 出自-2015年12月阅读原文. Unfortunately for them ( ' , and often the taxpayers), our energy systems are a bit like an aircraft carrier: they are unbelievably expensive, they are built to last for a very long time, they have a huge amount of inertia ( ' , meaning it takes a lot of energy to set them moving), and they have a lot of ...

  7. 选择在旅途中带上什么东西,当然是您的个人问题. The companies are pouring trillions of yen into biotechnology research, especially for pharmaceuticals and new seeds. 这些公司将大量资金投入生物工艺学研究, 尤其是药品和新种子方面. I'm not especially fond of mustard. 芥末我吃不来. I like the ...

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