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  1. 愛心捐款機構 相關

  2. 一份捐款,可幫助200+貓狗園區和3萬+毛孩,提供更多的醫療與身心照護,幫助牠們尋找下一個家. 全力提供最好的安置計畫,您的愛心給了浪浪們新的機會,我們捐款也捐糧,讓浪毛孩有更美好的明天

  3. 阿公,來呷飯喔!志工馳援修補漏水破損老屋,1919食物包送來溫飽,阿公終於能溫暧入睡,不再孤單. 原來,可以不用再一個人故作堅強…邀您響應「食物銀行」將物資如及時雨送達,讓弱勢孤老重拾幸福

  4. 透過「認養」每月給予經濟補助、關懷訪視學習狀況及生活需求,陪伴孩子克服階段性的困難。 在社會角落仍有孩子三餐不濟,無法安穩受教育,立即成為台灣兒童認養人,用生命傳遞祝福。

  5. 地球上仍有許多人正面臨天災、戰爭衝突、傳染病的生命威脅,超過一億難民極需援助,立即捐款支持. 全球每分鐘有約5個孩童死於營養不良相關併發症,無國界醫生在2022年接收127,400名兒童接受治療


  1. = "Internet and society research think tank based in Hong Kong". URL = Description "The Digital Asia Hub is an independent, non-profit ...

  2. Description. "Pastry is a generic, scalable and efficient substrate for peer-to-peer applications. Pastry nodes form a decentralized, self-organizing and fault-tolerant overlay network within the Internet. Pastry provides efficient request routing, deterministic object location, and load balancing in an application-independent manner.

  3. Definition. "People’s organizations (POs), unlike NGOs, are established by and represent sectors of the population like small farmers, artisanal fisherfolk, slum dwellers and others. POs take a wide variety of forms and exist at various levels. - Community-based organizations (CBOs) mobilize and represent local populations and directly ...

    • Donation-Based Business Model
    • Crowdfunding Business Model
    • Free as A Business Model
    • The Multi-Sided Platform Business Model

    Donation-based business model enables users to donate money to help sustain a project or enterprise, like Wikipedia or Radiohead. The key to make it a sustainable business model is the community: having a strong community of fans is necessary to live only thank to its donations. The organization must find the right correlation between the community...

    Crowdfunding business model enables citizens or entities to contribute to an enterprise or project by becoming stakeholders. The contribution, usually via an online platform, takes the form of an investment prior to the work being created, a micro o macro credit, or donations. Four categories of crowdfunding business models exist: 1. The Direct Cro...

    In most cases, Free as a business model consists in generating revenue via advertising. The companies using this model create an online platform to enable users to generate content so advertisement can be placed on the platform. There are subcategories for this model that require the participation of the users: The Freemium business modelis a mix o...

    The last type of business model that calls on external participation is the multi-sided platform business model. The platform is the intermediary that connects two interdependant groups of customers. Both groups’ interests must be served simultaneously. Nintendo used this pattern to create its Wii video game console. They earn money from the sales ...

  4. A solidarity system recognizes the evils of racism, sexism, and patriarchy and deliberately addresses oppression and exclusion by developing values, policies, and practices to mitigate them. It aims to give voice and power to those who are usually without them. The notion is that there is not any one group, or one person, running off with all ...

  5. By Gijsbert Koren: "A tribe is a group of people, who are connected with each other through a leader and an idea. It’s in the nature of people to be part of a tribe. Thanks to the internet, geographical boundaries are no longer existing; creating the opportunity for tribes to flourish and grow. Artists and entrepreneurs, who are crowdfunding ...

  6. That, in my view, is the new superpower in the making — the rise of a new pattern of collective action that operates from an awareness of the whole: Awareness-Based Collective action (ABC). It’s a pattern of action that is familiar to most of us — for example, when we face disruptive challenges in our families or communities.

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