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  1. 在 Minecraft 官方網站探索全新遊戲冒險、配件和商品。. 在此購買和下載遊戲,或是查看網站掌握最新消息。.

  2. 2023. 至今出現過最多錯字的更新: 足跡與故事 推出。 玩家們很好奇為什麼名字裡有足跡,更新裡卻沒有出現。 但至少有駱駝、嗅探獸、櫻花樹林生態域,還有考古系統! 一款全新的 Minecraft 遊戲: Minecraft Legends 推出! 豬布林試圖入侵主世界,但他們很快就嚐到惹惱魯特琴手英雄的滋味,以及友情的力量有多不好惹了。 拖曳進行探索! 透過考古學發現過去的遺跡。 全新的竹方塊、浮雕書櫃,和櫻花登場! 和朋友一起騎駱駝。

  3. Introducing the mace and ominous events. Test a new weapon, a new challenge, and more 1.21 features! The snapshots, betas, and previews (or snabews as I call them) of the past two weeks have everything!

  4. 在 Minecraft 官方网站上探索新 游戏冒险、配件和商品。在此处购买并下载游戏,或查看网站以获取最新消息。 跳转至“主要内容” 游戏 返回 游戏 Minecraft 游戏 Minecraft ...

  5. Minecraft Dungeons 標準版. 特賣中:save __diff__. 過去 30 天內售價 __hp__. 在全新的動作冒險遊戲中拚鬥出一條自己的路,靈感來自經典的地下城探索者遊戲,並以 Minecraft 的世界為場景!. 標準版可讓您從 Microsoft 商店中取得 Windows 版 Minecraft 啟動器。.

  6. The 1.21 Update has a name. Venture into Tricky Trials. We really love numbers here at Minecraft. 1.20. 1.20.8. In fact, we love numbers so much that every update we make to the game has a number attached to it. But some numbers are bigger than others, and some numbers, like 1.21, are so big that they also require a name.

  7. The roots of the poisonous potato run deep within Minecraft and extends far beyond Java Edition. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the tuber-lar sensation has spread its influence to Bedrock Edition as well. With Jigarbov’s Poisonous Potato add-on, you’ll be able to experience the joy of the poisonous potato the way it was always intended – through blocks and furniture to ...

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