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  1. 2010年12月10日 · 今年的日本電影情報陸續登場,多元豐富的映畫題材、選角上的黃金卡司,讓Ginger開心得拍手叫好,忍不住蠢蠢欲動的心好想一睹為快啊! 日本電影的系列筆記會陸續視官網及新聞稿的發放來補充,由於最近心情上開

  2. 2010年12月10日 · Sorrow) and Because of Her(?) by Jung Hwan (M to M). I think My Her is the song that was played when Happy New Year was thinking about his MaeRi Christmas, because it's said the song premiered in ep 7 and depicted how MuGyul felt about ...

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