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  1. RSS Feed. ObjectID: 171123. Description Edit History. [Publisher product page] Link= 踏上對抗遠古邪惡的史詩式冒險之路… 在特瑞諾斯最黑暗的深處,一位野心勃勃的邪惡領主召集了他的. 爪牙,正準備對地上的世界進行蹂躪。 現在一個人數不多的英雄. 冒險團,他們奉獻勇氣和力量,為了就是要把這片土地,從冷血. 的統治中拯救出來。 現在是時候要冒險進入暗黑世界了,趁還來. 得及之前,破壞掉邪惡領主的恐怖陰謀吧… 深入絕地:暗黑世界之旅第二版是一款2 到5 人的史詩式探索地下.

    • WCP1218
    • 2012
    • Fantasy Flight GamesWargames Club Publishing
  2. Embark on your own adventures in J.R.R. Tolkien's iconic world with The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth, a fully co-operative, app-supported board game for one to five players! You'll battle villainous foes, make courageous choices, and strike a blow against the evil that threatens the land — all as part of a thrilling campaign ...

    • (16.2K)
  3. Classification. Abstract. Try to get four marbles of your colour in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row on the patented, shifting game board. But watch out! To finish your turn, you must press the 'Orbito'-button, which will make ALL marbles shift 1 position on their orbit! Stay focused as ALL marbles change position on every turn!

  4. Classification. In Ark Nova, you will plan and design a modern, scientifically managed zoo. With the ultimate goal of owning the most successful zoological establishment, you will build enclosures, accommodate animals, and support conservation projects all over the world. Specialists and unique buildings will help you in achieving this goal.

  5. Stockpile is an economic board game that combines the traditional stockholding strategy of buy low, sell high with several additional mechanisms to create a fast-paced, engaging and interactive experience. In Stockpile, players act as stock market investors at the end of the 20th century hoping to strike it rich, and the investor with the most money at the end of the game is the winner.

  6. Once upon a time, three big cats became exhausted fighting to be top cat. They agreed to quit the fight and spice up their nine lives with a hot spice eating contest. Alas, everyone was soon cheating, so the cats invented a very hot, often tearful, bluffing game. Spicy is a bluffing card game for 2-6 players. The cards are played face down, so ...

  7. Skull & Roses is not a game of luck; it's a game of poker face and meeting eyes. Skull & Roses Red features the same gameplay as Skull & Roses, with the only change being alternate rules that allow each player to control two biker gangs. Both Skull & Roses Red and Skull are playable on their own, with each game containing six different biker gangs.