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  1. 2009年11月17日 · GW620 Rooting guide This guide assumes you already have ADB access to your device. If you don't you need to google for the android SDK and get yourself connected. Let me know how this works for you all, or if anything is unclear. 1) Download this version of Superuser Whitelist and unpack it somewhere safe ...

  2. 2015年12月24日 · This guide assumes you are already rooted on (this will work for future updates as well if zeroepoch push out new rooted images) I will just need to update the hash check accordingly Now before I go any further **this can brick your...

  3. 2018年1月4日 · AOKP-ANDROID OPEN KANG PROJECT What is AOKP? AOKP stands for Android Open Kang Project. It is a custom ROM distribution for several high-end Android devices. The name is a play on the word kang and AOSP (Android Open Source Project). The name...

  4. 2017年5月11日 · So as an amateur root enthusiast, I like to click around and mess with stuff to see what more I can learn... Last night while running stock(nougat), rooted with ...

  5. 2013年12月2日 · I for one, am extremely disappointed in regard to the fact that the devs behind PSX (Pure Speed eXperiment ROM) have left XDA and are going private. If you wish to see exactly why, head over to the now closed thread in OAD, but basically they've...

  6. 2017年10月5日 · Hey, I know that Nougat is a little long in the tooth but why not... there hasn't been an updated build of AOKP for Clark in a while so here it is The AOKP goodness that you've always known now for our phone! Special thanks goes out to Team...

  7. 2012年6月25日 · I was going through the Stuck at Data.img thread and came across the post below from Jaymoon and just thought others may want to take a look at it. It looks like you can bring your phone back to life.... Hope it helps a few of you...