Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Minecraft 的世界相當巨大,何不趁此機會讓它超越方塊界限呢?. 使用我們最愛的 Minecraft 桌布和社群橫幅等,自訂您的裝置!. 查看所有收藏品. 在 Minecraft 官方網站探索全新遊戲冒險、配件和商品。. 在此購買和下載遊戲,或是查看網站掌握最新消息。.

  2. News. Introducing the mace and ominous events. Test a new weapon, a new challenge, and more 1.21 features! The snapshots, betas, and previews (or snabews as I call them) of the past two weeks have everything!

  3. 在您站立之處附近找到一棵樹並跑向該樹將十字線瞄準樹幹然後按住控制器上的右觸發鍵以開始擊打樹幹若您使用創造模式樹幹將立即遭破壞並消失若您使用生存模式則在擊打數下後樹幹將被破壞並掉至地上或直接掉到您手中

  4. The world of Minecraft is vast, so why not take it beyond its blocky borders? Customize your device with our favorite Minecraft wallpapers, social banners, and more! Explore new gaming adventures, accessories, & merchandise on the Minecraft Official Site. Buy & download the game here, or check the site for the latest news.

  5. A new heavy weapon to smash your enemies! Leverage the weight of this new weapon to deal additional damage the farther you fall before hitting your target. Try it out by jumping down toward your target, and hit them before you hit the ground.

  6. Play the free trial! Enjoy player mods, world customization, multiplayer servers, and more on the original version of the classic game.Cross-platform play between Mac, PC, and Linux for an unforgettable building experience with your closest friends! Try Minecraft: Java Edition now, available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

  7. 蓄勢待的十字弓 防禦村莊! 號角響起時,窳民與掠奪者即將展開攻擊。搭建穩固的防禦工事,使用新的十字弓和盾牌防衛自身安全!