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  1. Description Jean-Francois Noubel: "What is wealth? In the conventional sense, when we say someone is "wealthy", it implies this person has lots of money in his/her bank account. But wealth, in its essence, expresses something much deeper about reality: the ...

  2. It enables the public to present the pro and con arguments that have been by scholars, experts, leaders, etc. It also empowers editors to present the overall positions of politicians, think-tanks, interest and activist groups, foreign leaders, etc. It does not allow users to present their own arguments. Debatepedia helps resolve an outstanding ...

  3. History Kevin Jon Fernlund: "In fact, the reaction of the postmodernists and the anti-globalists to “developmentalism” (the idea of development had been reduced to an “ism” or an ideology) closely resembled the earlier critiques of cultural evolutionism by Mead ...

  4. * Book: Jeremy Rifkin. The European Dream: How Europe’s Vision of the Future is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream. URL = Discussion By Irena Ateljevic: "Jeremy Rifkin, in his book The European Dream: How Europe’s Vision of the Future is Quietly Eclipsing ...

  5. Description. 1. Simone Cicero: "The overall excitement with regards to the work done by the group led by Thomas Landrain (president) shall grow even more when you think about an incredible project that is slowly taking off and that, hopefully, will hit public visibility soon: the realization of an open source ink, produced by bacteria. Yes, you ...

  6. The ' General Intellect ' is a 'real abstraction', with concrete operational power that constructs realities. It is not like the other abstractions of modernity, such as money, which are based on the principle of equivalence, and represent 'something'. The general intellect is non-representational. Without equivalence, it is beyond measure.

  7. 2.1 Discussion 2.1.1 WHO WE ARE 2.2 More Information Concept By Larry Arnhart: "“Evonomics” is the term adopted by David Sloan Wilson and his colleagues for what they call “the Next Evolution of Economics,” which they see as economics founded on ...

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