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  1. ... At BrightFarms we are deploying business model innovation for produce that could disrupt the produce industry. Think of the model like a solar PPA, but for produce – a “produce purchase agreement”. A PPA between BrightFarms and major supermarkets disintermediates the old system.

    • Community Exchange Systems
    • HOurworld
    • TimeBanks USA
    • Open Source Currency
    • Community Forge
    • Gets Plus
    • Miscellaneous

    Community Exchange Systems is a world-wide free hosting exchange platform, that will allow you to do basic trading with no money or technical assistance needed. CES is not strictly Timebank softwar...

    hOurworld is a national nonprofit organization that offers Timebank software and hosting at no cost. It is fairly basic, but easy to use and you don't need tech staff. Their system is similar to an...

    TimeBanks USA , also a national nonprofit, just rolled out Community Weaver 2.0, which has more functionality than its predecessor versions of Timebank software, including features to keep your com...

    Open Source Currency was started by Tom Brown and is used for the Austin Time Exchange Network and the Timebank I coordinate, Bay Area Community Exchange, as well as a number of other forks in deve...

    Community Forge , Matt Slater's baby, is also a Drupal-based software that could be set up as a Timebank, but its more LETS-like and can be a commercial bartering system. He offers an open source v...

    GETS Plus , developed as a for-profit venture with radical intentions, is the most highly developed and complex currency technology I know of that allows Timebanking and multiple other currencies o...

    Some Timebanks also have their own unique software like Rich (Richmond) Hours and Fairfax Village Networks. This is not an option for many groups, because it requires a large financial or highly sk...

  2. Characteristics. David Chapman: "Meta-rationality isn’t about solving problems; that’s what rationality is for. Meta-rationality can help you use rationality more effectively. By understanding problems and potential solution approaches in broader contexts, you become more likely to solve them—but you’ll do that rationally.

  3. Long Definition. 1. Wikipedia: The concept of the long tail was popularized by Wired Magazine editor Chris Anderson, in his bestseller The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More. As defined by Wikipedia, the long tail.

  4. Description. 'Netention collects a community of peoples' stories, and interlinks them with automatically discovered opportunities that are mutually inter-satisfying - essentially suggesting to its participants how they could realize the desired futures they have described.

  5. Launched in June 2013 and approved by UK regulators it is the first fully-online co-operative structure in the world. The open source platform permits members to contribute agenda items, browse archived minutes and participate in votes electronically.

  6. Description. "developed as a for-profit venture with radical intentions, is the most highly developed and complex currency technology I know of that allows Timebanking and multiple other currencies on the same platform. It has a baffling menu of 130+ features including mobile phone payment, printed currency capability and credit card processing.

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