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  1. 旅行平安險 相關

  2. 活動期限只到4/30!滿額抽「1萬元雄獅旅遊金」,每日銅板價再享不便險高保障、出發前1H即可保. 旅遊出鳥事,交給eCover來守護!班機延誤最高理賠2萬、旅程更改最高賠6萬,用便宜保費換無價安心

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  1. 2024年1月4日 · With more and more people traveling again, you may wonder what’s safe. It mainly depends on whether you’ve gotten the COVID-19 vaccine. Here’s what to know if you’re thinking about a trip ...

  2. 2022年11月2日 · If you’ve been back from a cruise for weeks, but still feel like you’re rocking and swaying, you might have mal de debarquement syndrome. Learn what causes it, what the symptoms are, and how ...

    • Diagnosis
    • Overview
    • Preparation
    • Causes
    • Prevention

    What do we all need to know about travelers' diarrhea? WebMD asked Emory University professor Phyllis Kozarsky, MD, the CDC's expert travel health consultant.

    Travelers diarrhea is often used as a generic term for any illnesses ranging from an upset tummy to loose stools during or after travel. It could mean just excess gas, or a variety of symptoms that can occur from a change in the types of food or beverages we are used to or, most commonly, to contamination of food or beverages. And it's not just fo...

    People often discuss the importance of care in selecting \\"safe\\" foods and beverages for consumption. We recommend that foods be freshly cooked and be piping hot; such foods are safer than those on a buffet that have been sitting out for hours. Water should be bottled and sealed, or boiled. Alcohol is OK, but ice cubes are not.

    But sometimes people do everything they are supposed to do regarding the selection of food and beverages and still get sick. Often, it's really the lack of sanitation within the food industry -- contamination may occur anywhere from when the food comes out of the ground to the preparer or the server. Food can be tainted at any point along that rout...

    And sometimes its the travelers who contaminate themselves. Remember: Try to clean your hands before eating, whether with soap and water or a hand sanitizer. And travelers should avoid touching their face, mouth, or mucous membranes with their hands. Yes. Pepto-Bismol has been used for a number of years to prevent travelers' diarrhea. Studies show ...

  3. 2024年3月9日 · Not Enough Water. 5 /16. If you don’t get enough to drink, your muscles will be more likely to twitch and spasm. It’s not just the water -- when you sweat a lot or lose body fluids when you ...

  4. 2023年2月5日 · Until you feel better, rest, drink enough fluids, and watch what you eat. Probiotics may help. They’re pills or foods with “good” bacteria or yeast in them. They can replace “bad ...

  5. 2023年8月22日 · Stress and Anxiety. Intense emotions can trigger the release of hormones that speed up your heartbeat. Your body gets ready to face a threat, even if you're not in danger. Panic attacks are ...

  6. 2023年5月2日 · An erection starts in your brain. Something you saw, felt, smelled, heard, or thought makes your nerves send chemical messages to the blood vessels in your penis. The arteries relax and open up to ...

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