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  1. 旅遊保險 相關

  2. 活動期限只到4/30!投保滿600元再抽「1萬元雄獅旅遊金」,銅板價保費享百萬保障、出發前1H即可保. 旅遊出鳥事,交給eCover來守護!班機延誤最高理賠2萬、旅程更改最高賠6萬,用便宜保費換無價安心

  3. 班機延誤等旅遊不便險回來了,國外旅遊還有海外突發疾病的保障,突然生病也免驚,上網投保通通有. 網路投保旅遊綜合保險,保障包含海外突發疾病,生病也能輕鬆就醫,立即線上投保

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  5. 別再被班機延誤、旅程取消打壞心情!精選親民價格,一日保費最低不到50元、出發前1H投保就有效. 別擔心,出發前一個小時保都還來得及!獨家挑選投保方案,一日最低不到50元,輕鬆享有200萬保障


  1. 2021年8月18日 · 6 min read. Traveler's diarrhea is an intestinal infection that occurs as a result of eating or drinking contaminated food or water. Food handlers who do not wash their hands after they use the...

  2. › first-aid › nosebleeds-causes-and-treatmentsHow To Stop & Prevent Nosebleeds

    2021年10月19日 · Pinch your nostrils closed. Use your thumb and index finger to hold your nostrils closed for 5 to 10 minutes while you breathe through your mouth. This puts pressure on the part of your nose that ...

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