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  1. This is the 16th expansion to Dominion. It has 300 cards, with 25 new Kingdom card piles. There are Shadow cards that leap out from your deck, and Prophecies that will someday happen and change everything. Debt and Events return.

    • (14)
  2. At the beginning of each round, players each select, secretly and simultaneously, one of the seven roles which correspond to the phases in which the round progresses. By selecting a role, players activate that phase for this round, giving each player the opportunity to perform that phase's action.

    • (55.8K)
  3. 2023年8月4日 · Altered is an innovative TCG which offers a new, refreshing approach to both competitive and casual players. Set in a universe of rich lore and visual design (influenced by Miyazaki's work and Dixit-like illustrations), this game is about exploring a new, reshaped Earth after a mysterious event, the Confluence, profoundly altered it.

  4. Twilight Struggle is a two-player game simulating the forty-five year dance of intrigue, prestige, and occasional flares of warfare between the Soviet Union and the United States. The entire world is the stage on which these two titans fight to make the world safe for their own ideologies and ways of life.

  5. Natsumemo is a flip & write game with a summer vacation theme. Each player receives a special calendar sheet and a hidden sheet, pencils and dice. Each round, the active player flips the card of the week and declares the day on which the event will occur.

  6. The primary goal: To win in RFTG, you want to do two things: 1) Make it so that there is something you can do which scores more points for you than for others. (Your scoring strategy). 2) Be versatile enough that you can usually take advantage of every role selection

  7. Browse Board Games

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