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  1. 水庫名稱

    資料更新日期 113-04-20 12:00

  2. Description. John Robb: "One of the solutions to growing food during more frequent and severe droughts is to use aquaponics. Aquaponics is a gardening system that combines both fish farming and hydroponics. It very good system to use during a drought, since it uses much less water than traditional gardening (more on aquaponics automation and ...

  3. ATU develops 130 gongbans annually in areas ranging from smart phones, tablets, smart watches, smart homes, and industrial controls—and distributes the designs for free. WPI then makes money by trading in the boards’ components. "We call this shanzhai in Shenzhen. It’s a mass production artwork,” explains Lawrence Lin head of the ...

  4. Case Study By George Dafermos et al.: "Kythnos is a small island in the Aegean sea in Greece. As is typical of islands in general, Kythnos is cut off from the national grid on mainland Greece. It has its own island grid, but this does not, however, have the capacity ...

  5. Glyphiti. by Andy Deck. Andy's Deck's Glyphiti is an artistic experiment in extending the reaches of public art. Converting the clandestine creativity of the graffiti artist into something more openly available, Deck developed a globally accessible drawing wall. Built of editable 'glyphs' - squares simultaneously reminiscent of hieroglyphics ...

    • Description
    • Characteristics
    • How It Works

    Sean McDonald: "Civic Trusts are that model (to 'define, protect, and evolve our basic rights in digital spaces'). They create a trustee organization that owns the underlying code and data generated by a technology and licenses it to a for-profit company that commercializes it. What makes Civic Trusts different from normal trusts is that both Civic...

    Sean McDonald: There are three core ways Civic Trusts are unique: (1) their missions are to define and support the implementation of systems of public participation in decisions about user and contributor rights; (2) the trustee organization itself must develop public participation models for its core governance decisions; and (3) civic trusts can ...

    "A trust has five elements — a grantor, a beneficiary, a trustee, an asset, and a purpose. On the simplest level, a grantor gives an asset to a trustee in order to ensure that it fulfills a purpose that is valuable to the beneficiary. People can use trusts as a way to make sure that the resources they’ve built continue to fulfill their original int...

  6. 2008年9月27日 · Briefly, the law of limited competition is this: You may compete to the full extent of your capabilities, but you may not hunt down your competitors or destroy their food or deny them access to food. In other words, you may compete but you may not wage war on your competitors. The ability to reproduce is clearly a prerequisite for biological ...

  7. Bio "A multidisciplinary arts and humanities practitioner, dividing her work into 3 distinct but organically overlapping fields: direction of cross-media / cross-cultural projects, anthropological research and theatre. She holds a BA in Mass Media and Communication, a ...

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