Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 2011年6月13日 · "Fureai kippu (Caring Relationship Tickets) is a Japanese community currency created in 1995 by the Sawayaka Welfare Foundation so that people could earn credits helping seniors in their community. The basic unit of account is an hour of service to an elderly person.

  2. Description. From the Wikipedia: "Teikei (提携) is a system of community-supported agriculture in Japan, where consumers purchase food directly from farmers. Teikei is closely associated with small-scale, local, organic farming, and volunteer-based, non-profit partnerships between producers and consumers.

  3. Definition 1. From Melanie Swan: Prediction Markets allow "individuals to log their predictions of the outcomes of a variety of events ... Either fictitious or real money or points are used to keep score." "Economists like Wharton Professor Justin Wolfers have shown that the Wisdom of Crowds of Prediction Markets often beats traditional forecasting methods.

    • David Bollier on The Pull Economy
    • John Hagel and John Seely Brown
    • The Push Economy Is Fading Fast
    • We Need Pull Institutions

    Here an excerpt from David Bollier, who co-authored a report on it, for the Aspen Institute. URL = The Report, entitled When Push comes to Pull, is downloadable at .htm "Briefly put, a “push economy" – the familiar industry model of mass production – is based on anticipating consumer demand and then making sure that...

    Citation from McKinsey Quarterly ; Access through: "Push systems contrast starkly with pull ones (exhibit), particularly in their view of demand: the former treat it as foreseeable, the latter as highly uncertain. This difference in a basic premise leads to fundamental...

    "To best appreciate what the pull economy is all about, it is best to contrast it with the push economy that has so permeated our lives over the past hundred years: “Push approaches begin by forecasting needs and then designing the most efficient systems to ensure that the right people and resources are available at the right time and the right pla...

    John Hagel: 'The scalable efficiency institutional model is fundamentally and irreversibly broken as I’ve argued at great length in The Power of Pull, with my co-authors, John Seely Brown and Lang Davison. Why is it broken? Because digital technology has re-shaped our global business landscape in profound ways. It makes forecasts and predictions mo...

  4. Should Google, Yahoo, and MSN be worried? "It would be hard to push Google out of the way - they're just going to buy you out. Chudnovsky's aspirations are more community-minded, helping to develop a search engine that users control.

  5. Yahoo! has generously sponsored the project for the Maker Faire on May 19-20, 2007 in San Mateo, Ca. We've created 80 kits to give away in 4 hands-on workshops designed to train folks how build and hack their very own YBox."

  6. Peeragogy takes that “center” and distributes it across a pool of heterogeneous relationships. Indeed, peeragogy can be understood as an up-to-date revision of Alexander’s NETWORK OF LEARNING [Alexander et al. 1977, p. 99]. It decentralizes the process of learning and enriches it through contact with many places and people in ...

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