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  1. 免税A4 3階 / A8 3階 / A9 地下1階 / A11 3階. ‧新光三越当該店にて同日特定商品を累計2,000元以上ご購入いただいたお客様はご本人のパスポートもしくは出入国証の原本提示にて免税手続きができます。. 両替:A4 3階 / A8 3階 / A9 地下1階 ...

  2. 無線上網有區域限制嗎? 如何使用館內無線上網? 無線上網的使用開放時間? 無線上網需收取費用嗎? 免付費電話0800-008-801. 服務時間:依個店別營業時間為主,不便之處,敬請見諒。

  3. 潮流型人集散地 將街頭、牛仔、運動完美融合,三館獨家導入流行複合品牌、平價時尚國民品牌、日本潮流品牌等,結合科技3C專賣店,導入專門店新文化,提供給消費者最新鮮的購物樂趣,成為時尚潮聖的最新指標!

  4. 分店資訊. A11. A9. A8. A4. 台北信義新天地A8館位於捷運板南線出口,與A9館、A11館相比鄰,為滿足全客層消費需求的大眾化購物商場。. 多樣化且完整的商品規劃,滿足都會家庭的生活所需,而A8館與A11館、A9館結合成一都心型水平式購物中心,提供市民最優質的 ...

  5. › page ›

    Experience the immersive culture and cuisine of Kyoto and Hokkaido in a double city themed performance at SKM. Enjoy the exquisite Japanese dishes and the stunning scenery of the two regions in a special event. Book your seat now and don't miss this opportunity.

  6. Licca莉卡娃娃館 - 歡迎光臨新光三越百貨‧WELCOME TO SHINKONG MITSUKOSHI;

  7. › page › is the official website of Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, the largest department store chain in Taiwan. On this page, you can find the latest information about the 2023 Japan Goods Exhibition, a special event that showcases the best products and culture from Japan. You can also browse and book the restaurants that offer delicious Japanese cuisine at Shin Kong Mitsukoshi. Don't miss this ...

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