Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 找出那些你能在10分鐘內完成的任務,日復一日,你驚訝地發現,原來一週一月累積完成的事情可以有這麼多!就拿寫書來講,每天都花10分鐘找找靈感、設計寫作計畫、或者乾脆寫上一段,將非常可觀。 商用英文搶時妙招4.

  2. HiTutor線上外語家教提供專業的英文(外語)學習課程,一對一的外籍家教,有效提升英文(外語)聽力口說能力。HiTutor線上外語家教網站地圖,讓服務資訊一應俱全。

  3. 我恐怕今天能上班了。我覺得很舒服。 實用商用英文-請假篇3. I’ve been really busy for a long time. I need some rest. 我忙了好長一段時間,我需要休息。 實用商用英文-請假篇4. I’m asking for a week’s leave to prepare for my wedding. 我要請一周假,因為我

  4. Vocabulary Ache – pain, to suffer or feel pain. Ex. Head-ache, stomach-ache, tooth-ache, backache, nose-bleed. Infection – the act of infecting means the virus has been multiplying or wide-spreading. Ex. Ear infection, eye infection. Dizzy - Having a whirling feeling and a tendency to fall. ...

  5. 宅在家、宅宅、宅男、宅女、爽爽日記、在家學英文、在家學外語、線上英文、工具人、魯蛇、耍廢、懶惰、carry、homebody、online、免費試讀 職場專修 工作職場所需的英文技能全在這!各種職業英文一一解析,包括:科技業英文、製藥業英文、飯店英文

  6. Affected Organ SYMPTOMS Nose Swelling of the nasal mucosa (allergic rhinitis) Sinuses Allergic (sinusitis) Eyes Redness and itching of the conjunctiva (allergic conjunctivitis) Air ways Sneezing, coughing, bronchoconstriction, wheezing, and dyspnea, sometimes ...

  7. Vocabulary Grocery: A store selling foodstuffs and different supplies. Supermarket: larger than grocery store that sells different stuff. Convenience store: small store that sells food and other necessary stuff which is open 24 hours a day. Dialogue 1 Liz : "Hello, could I have some tomatoes please?" ...

  1. 其他人也搜尋了