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  1. 2014年3月26日 · Star Realms is a spaceship combat deck-building game by Magic Hall of Famers Darwin Kastle (The Battle for Hill 218) and Rob Dougherty (Ascension Co-designer). Star Realms is a fast paced deck-building card game of outer space combat. It combines the fun of a deck-building game with the interactivity of Trading Card Game style combat.

    • (45.1K)
  2. ISS Vanguard is a 1-4 player co-operative campaign Board Game. It will bring players right into epic Sci-Fi adventure, as they will play as 4 sections (security, recon, science, engineering) onboard the first human ship with the potential to reach outer space.

    • (4.5K)
  3. Stars of Akarios is a narrative-driven, cooperative campaign game set in the Akarios Galaxy. Throughout Stars of Akarios, you will fight in epic space battles, upgrade your ship, and explore the fringes of space.

  4. Take the helm of a cosmic rocket, reach for the stars, or trust your cat instincts and bail out before things go up in flames. Fame and admiration from the entire meowing world await the most exceptional leader of the feline space agency. Get ready for an adventure that's out of this world! + More.

  5. Games primarily concerned with mechanical flight, including planes, helicopters, and gliders.

  6. Space Cadets – Live! allows for up to thirty players to play together, with players divided into teams handling different functions of the Starship. Each team has a mini-game that it needs to complete within a short time limit, and the better that team performs, the better that ship function will execute.

  7. Forbidden Stars challenges you and up to three other players to take command of a mighty fighting force: the Ultramarines chapter of Space Marines, the Eldar of Craftworld Iyanden, the Evil Sunz Ork clan, or the World Eaters Warband of the Chaos Space Marines.

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