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  1. Following her studies of innumerable long-enduring Commons, Ostrom concluded that the following eight “design principles” were essential elements which were always to be found in the way these sustainable CPRs organise themselves. Clearly defined boundaries, which define who has access to the CPR. Appropriation and provision rules which are ...

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    By the Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development: "We are facing societal and ecological disaster. The State can respond quickly to this, if based on democratic legitimacy and accountability. In times of growing global interrelationship between societies, economies and people, universally agreed principles are the precondition for living...

    By the Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development: "The world is in need of fundamental change. We live in a world in turmoil; too many people are tossed around in a global boom and bust, a global casino gambling with our livelihoods, our security, our futures and our planet. We live in a world where the top 20 percent of the population e...

    By the Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development: "The framework of universal principles and rights The need for universal principles. Every concept of development, well-being and progress in societies is based on a set of fundamental principles and values. These values are rooted deeply in our culture, our ideologies and our belief syst...

  2. Description. From the Wikipedia: Ostrom is considered one of the leading scholars in the study of common pool resources. In particular, Ostrom's work emphasizes how humans interact with ecosystems to maintain long-term sustainable resource yields. Common pool resources include many forests, fisheries, oil fields, grazing lands, and irrigation ...

  3. Discussion L.M. Sacasas: "Ivan Illich’s argument for a commons of silence. I’ve cited that same essay by Illich before, but allow me to do so again here. “Just as the commons of space are vulnerable and can be destroyed by the motorization of traffic,” Illich argued ...

  4. Challenging Traditional State Authority to Regulate GMOs in New Zealand” (16,000 words) 8 Environmental Law Review -UK (2006) 175-198; TAYLOR, P.E. ‘The Earth Charter and the Debate on Biotechnology – the New Zealand Case’ Worldviews: Environment, Culture, Religion 8, 1. 126-140, 2004;

  5. The commons as part of community culture and identity is complex. This is for several reasons. One is the nature of life itself. The second is the nature of human beings and the societies they form. The third is the understanding of what is commons, who is doing the understanding and what does reductionism do to the idea of commons.

  6. 2011年9月8日 · Glyphiti. by Andy Deck. Andy's Deck's Glyphiti is an artistic experiment in extending the reaches of public art. Converting the clandestine creativity of the graffiti artist into something more openly available, Deck developed a globally accessible drawing wall. Built of editable 'glyphs' - squares simultaneously reminiscent of hieroglyphics ...