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  1. Bio Alex Pazaitis is researcher at the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology and core member of P2P Lab. He holds a PhD in Technology Governance and is leading parts of the COSMOLOCALISM and CENTRINNO projects Alex has extensive experience from research and innovation projects and project management, and has worked as a consultant for private ...

  2. 2010年6月7日 · identifies authors from all archives and makes their social and professional relationships transparent and visible to anyone across disciplinary, institutional and technological boundaries. At the time of this posting, included nearly 25 million documents from around 100 different repositories around ...

  3. “Only about 10 percent of our health is determined by medical care,” explains Harvie, who helped direct the campaign to ban toxic mercury thermometers. “The rest is environmental and behavioral—clean air, clean water, good food. We can’t be healthy people if

  4. 我们将在研究P2P模式的特点时详细定义这些术语,以下是普遍和重要的一些特征: P2P是指被创造的如下的生产方式: - 通过生产者(他们可以取得所分配的资本)之间的自由合作产生使用价值:这就是对等生产模式,“第三种生产模式”,不同于国有企业的公营或营利性生产。

  5. Bio. "Katarzyna Gajewska, PhD, is an independent scholar and futurist writer. She has been publishing on alternative economy, non-digital peer production, universal basic income and collective autonomy since 2013 and is mainly interested in psychological and emotional aspects of transition to a postcapitalist society."

  6. In an important post on JJB, Jay listed ten important comparisons between Chinese thought and process thought.[xxiii] Please click here. We know of no list of parallels that is as insightful and helpful as Prof. McDaniel’s list. Before you read any further, you

  7. The researchers discovered a remarkably consistent dynamic: a relationship called “ Sublinear Scaling ”. For example, if you double the mass of a mouse you don’t double its energetic needs at the same rate. Instead, if you increase the mass by a factor of 10 (from 1 to 10 for example) you increase the metabolic rate by only about 5.6.