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  1. 第1版:2022/4/5,新版:2023/7/4 註:專有名詞的中文翻譯採用一刻館/玩坊代理之繁體中文版 網頁瀏覽版本

  2. Join the largest board game community online. Discover new games rate and review them and share your passion with others.

  3. 在特瑞諾斯黑暗的深處,一位野心勃勃的邪惡領主召集了他的 爪牙,正準備對地上的世界進行蹂躪。現在一個人數不多的英雄 冒險團,他們奉獻勇氣和力量,為了就是要把這片土地,從冷血 的統治中拯救出來。現在是時候要冒險進入暗黑世界了,趁還來

  4. Wingspan is a competitive, medium-weight, card-driven, engine-building board game from Stonemaier Games. It's designed by Elizabeth Hargrave and features over 170 birds illustrated by Beth Sobel, Natalia Rojas, and Ana Maria Martinez. You are bird enthusiasts—researchers, bird watchers, ornithologists, and collectors—seeking to discover and ...

  5. Hegemony is an asymmetric politico-economic card-driven board game for 2-4 players that puts you in the role of one of the socio-economic groups in a fictional state: The Working Class, the Middle Class, the Capitalist Class and the State itself. The Working class controls the workers. The Capitalist class controls the companies.

  6. 2023年5月23日 · May 23, 2023. 背景和美术 6.4/10 (新版英语). “上流社会”的贵族们总是喜欢搞一些所谓的慈善拍卖,来突显自己尊贵的身份和悲天悯人的情怀。. 表面光鲜的背后,是贵族们愈发干瘪的钱袋子。. 口袋空空,还要打肿脸充胖子实在也很难为他们。. 因此 ...

  7. Lovecraft Letter is a card game that combines the Love Letter system with the world of H.P. Lovecraft. In addition to the standard sixteen cards in the Love Letter game are new versions of the cards that include special "insanity" powers. If you have one of these cards in your discard pile, then you are insane (at least for the current round ...

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