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  1. 《原神》是一款開放世界冒險RPG。你將在遊戲中探索一個被稱為「提瓦特」的幻想世界。在這廣闊的世界中,你可以踏遍七國,邂逅性格各異、能力獨特的同伴,與他們一同對抗強敵,踏上尋回血親之路;也可以不帶目的地漫遊,沉浸在充滿生機的世界裡,讓好奇心驅使自己發掘各個角落的奧秘 ...

  2. Genshin Impact is an open-world action RPG. In the game, set forth on a journey across a fantasy world called Teyvat. In this vast world, you can explore seven nations, meet a diverse cast of characters with unique personalities and abilities, and fight powerful enemies together with them, all on the way during your quest to find your lost sibling.

  3. 2024年5月9日 · Genshin Impact is an open-world action RPG. In the game, set forth on a journey across a fantasy world called Teyvat. In this vast world, you can explore seven nations, meet a diverse cast of characters with unique personalities and abilities, and fight powerful enemies together with them, all on the way during your quest to find your lost sibling.

  4. 1. 下載PC遊戲啟動器,安裝後並打開。 2. 勾選「已閱讀並同意《軟體授權條款》」後,選擇「立即安裝」。 (若需要更改啟動器預設安裝目錄,可選擇「自定義安裝」,選擇安裝目錄後再點擊「立即安裝」。 請注意,PC啟動器大小約260MB,請確認安裝目錄有足夠空間。 3. PC啟動器安裝完成後,選擇「立即啟動」以打開啟動器。 4. 點擊「取得遊戲」以下載《原神》遊戲檔案。 (若需更改遊戲預設安裝目錄,可點擊「修改安裝路徑」,選擇想要的安裝路徑後點擊「開始安裝」。 請注意,遊戲檔案大小約為26GB,請確認安裝路徑有足夠可用空間。 5. 下載遊戲。 (若中途需要退出下載,可點擊暫停按鈕以保留下載進度;若出現卡死、閃退情況,請重新打開啟動器,點擊「繼續下載」以繼續下載遊戲檔案。 6.

  5. 《原神》是米哈遊的首款開放世界游戲,這里是七種元素神靈信仰交匯的幻想世界提瓦特。 席捲大陸的災難終於停息,瘡痍逐漸被撫平,本應到來的安寧卻並沒有如期光臨風之城「蒙德」。 飛揚跋扈的組織「愚人眾」借著保護的名義欺壓諸國。 旅行者,和派蒙一起,在這廣闊的新天地中開啟只屬於你的冒險吧!

  6. 2020年9月27日 · Step-By-Step Installation Guide. 1. Download and open the PC Client Launcher file. 2. Check "I have read and agree to the Software License Agreement" and select "Install Now". (If you want to change the default installation directory of the launcher, click "Advanced" and select the desired directory, and then click "Install Now".

  7. 2021年2月2日 · A10: (1) Please check your network settings, including VPN, proxy, and hosts files. You can also check whether your VPN is blocking Genshin Impact's network connection. (2) You can try rebooting your PC or running the launcher as administrator by right-clicking it.

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