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  1. Bio. "Kojin Karatani was born in 1941 in Amagasaki city, located between Osaka and Kobe. He received his B.A. in economics and M.A. in English literature, both from Tokyo University. Awarded the Gunzo Literary Prize for an essay on Natsume Soseki in 1969, he began working actively as a literary critic, while teaching at Hosei University in Tokyo.

  2. Jan Krikke is a former Tokyo correspondent for the Dutch news agency GPD and the daily Financiële Dagblad, a contributor to IEEE publications, and the former managing editor of Asia 2000, a book publisher in Hong Kong, and a frequent contributor to the Asia Times. Krikke pioneered the study of the origin of axonometry, the Chinese equivalent ...

  3. 2007年10月10日 · The Assurance Game Definition The Assurance Game is “a situation where neither player can provide a sufficient amount of the good if they contribute alone, thus for each player, if the other Defects then she should also Defect, but if the other Cooperates then she ...

  4. If you have visited the Akihabara, Tokyo’s ultra-vibrant open-air electronics market, or the under-the-highway open-air jade market of Kowloon, or even the Burning Man festival, you understand the power of combining commerce, physical location, and serendipity ...

  5. 1. COGNITIVE: self and community actualization, role, service, identity, and esteem. 2. PHYSICAL: water, food, housing, safety, and security. 3. SPIRITUAL: spirituality and life purpose. 4. EMOTIONAL: love, relationship, and belonging. The breath of life theory predicts that, if the relational worldview principles are out of balance within the ...

  6. 2020年12月17日 · PatternDynamics is a simple tool that can be learned by anyone to overcome the challenges posed by complex systems–at any scale. Here’s how it works: The key to complexity is systems thinking; The key to systems thinking is Patterns; and, The key to using Patterns is to form them into a language. Winton’s language of visual patterns to ...

  7. He is a visiting professor at the Center for Innovation and Knowledge Research, Helsinki School of Economics and a faculty member of the Fujitsu Global Knowledge Institute in Tokyo. He studies leadership, organizational learning, and the dynamics of multi-stakeholder dialogue, collaboration, and change.