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  1. The world of Minecraft is vast, so why not take it beyond its blocky borders? Customize your device with our favorite Minecraft wallpapers, social banners, and more! See all collectibles. Explore new gaming adventures, accessories, & merchandise on the Minecraft Official Site. Buy & download the game here, or check the site for the latest news.

  2. - 按下按鈕就可以遊玩 Minecraft。 這些按鈕可能位於鍵盤、遊戲手把或電腦滑鼠上,有時也可能為螢幕上的虛擬按紐。 但若要成功採礦與製作,您將需了解要按哪些按鈕以及按下的時機,而這正是本文要說明的內容。 您將可透過以下內容了解滑鼠和鍵盤、遊戲手把以及觸控螢幕玩家等適用之預設控制系統。 Bedrock 和 Java 版遊戲的 Minecraft 基本控制功能幾乎相同。 因此,除非我們提出有任何不同之處,否則您可假設兩者的操作方式相同。 不喜歡預設選擇嗎? 我們樂見您變更選擇,也盡可能讓您能輕鬆變更,只要瀏覽選項選單便可自訂您欲在裝置上與 Minecraft 互動的確切方式。 若您不清楚如何設定,同一個選單中亦有一個選項,可供您將所有控制功能還原至預設設定。 滑鼠和鍵盤. 觀察和移動.

  3. Try Minecraft games for free! Get a free trial of Minecraft for devices and consoles like Windows, Mac, Linux, Windows 10, PlayStation, Vita and Android.

  4. The roots of the poisonous potato run deep within Minecraft and extends far beyond Java Edition. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the tuber-lar sensation has spread its influence to Bedrock Edition as well. With Jigarbov’s Poisonous Potato add-on, you’ll be able to experience the joy of the poisonous potato the way it was always intended – through blocks and furniture to ...

  5. Download Minecraft for Windows, Mac, and more. Download server software for Java and Bedrock to start playing with friends. Learn more about the Minecraft Launcher.

  6. What makes Hardcode mode different is its one life-rule. In Hardcore mode, death is permanent, so you can’t respawn once you die. That means no second chances! Once you hit the death screen, you'll only be able to spectate your world. If that wasn’t extreme enough, the difficulty is also locked to the hardest setting. Now that’s hardcore!

  7. The pale wolf. This familiar friend now has a brand-new name! The original wolf will now become “the pale wolf” (don’t worry Zero, we’ll go straight to the desert for some sunshine). You’ll be able to find the pale wolf in the taiga biome: famous for its grassland, spruce trees, and now its pale wolves!