Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 犹格索托斯的庭院. 在这款模拟经营+AVG游戏中,你继承一座荒废已久的别墅并欠下黑暗债务。. 你将招募死神、龙族、斩灵师、人造人等员工开展旅社经营。. 奇怪的客人将带着神秘事件到访。. 你会通过挖矿,冒险,炼金,经营餐厅等不同策略积攒资产,不断 ...

    • (5K)
    • Bone Nail
    • Bone Nail
    • 2023 年 10 月 20 日
  2. › promotion › familysharingSteam 親友同享

    要開啟親友收藏庫同享功能,首先您必須確定用戶端的 Steam Guard(Steam > 設定 > 帳戶)已經開啟,然後再到設定之下的家庭選項中將親友同享功能開啟(Big Picture 模式的路徑為設定 > 親友收藏庫同享)。. 開啟時您同時也需要設定可被授權的電腦以及可同享的帳戶 ...

  3. Steam is the ultimate destination for playing, discussing, and creating games.

  4. Yog-Sothoth’s Yard. Manage a hotel and hire employees including Death, a dragon, a Demon-Slayer, and a bioroid maid. Build your wealth through various means and refine your strategies based on the predictions of Oracles. Your choices will determine which employees become enamored with you. Bone Nail.

  5. › app › 1189490觅长生 on Steam

    《觅长生》是一款想要还原真实修仙世界的开放世界角色扮演游戏。 在这里,你可以体验到从零开始一步步积攒修为突破境界的逆天修仙之旅,也可以体验到那些充满修仙味的故事和剧情。当然也少不了寻求奇遇、探索秘境,更可以和游戏中的角色互动,与人为善或是杀人夺宝全都由你自己抉择。

  6. NUKITASHI. Seiran Island. Even here in paradise, there are those who work in the shadows to bring it down... Confront the tyranny of a twisted system in this long-awaited visual novel adventure. Qruppo. Shiravune. Visual Novel Anime Casual Comedy Cute. Romance Dark Humor Story Rich Emotional Survival Multiple Endings Adventure Sexual Content ...

  7. › app › 1203620Enshrouded on Steam

    Enshrouded is a game of survival, crafting, and Action RPG combat, set within a sprawling voxel-based continent. As you journey across the mountains and deserts of an open world, you are free to choose your path and shape your destiny. Ignite the Ancient power of the Flame, and piece together the fragments of a story that unfolds below the surface.

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