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  1. 遊戲預告影片. Minecraft. 觀看預告片. 探索屬於您自己的獨特世界,在夜間求生,並且憑藉您的想像創造一切! 進一步了解. Minecraft Dungeons. Minecraft Legends. Minecraft Education. 最新消息. 查看所有最新消息. 您是 Minecraft 新手嗎? 探索我們的「新手提示」:從如何製作或使用控制器,到如何與好友一起遊玩,應有盡有。 開始體驗. 收藏品. Minecraft 的世界相當巨大,何不趁此機會讓它超越方塊界限呢? 使用我們最愛的 Minecraft 桌布和社群橫幅等,自訂您的裝置! 查看所有收藏品. 在 Minecraft 官方網站探索全新遊戲冒險、配件和商品。

  2. The Java Edition is the original version of Minecraft. It can be purchased and downloaded from the Minecraft website. It supports cross-platform play between Windows, Linux, and macOS, as well as user-created skins and mods. Learn more. Compare Realms Subscription Plans.

  3. Playing as Gru, your quest is to become the biggest, baddest super-villain, and to do that you’ll need to gather gadgets, Minions and your courage to take on the Vicious 6: a team of supervillains who aren’t thrilled about your attempts to steal their thunder. As your devious plans take shape, you’ll need to fill up your villain-o-meter ...

  4. › zh-hans › community社区 | Minecraft

    Just because we named it Minecraft Live doesn’t mean that you can’t watch it over and over and over again whenever you want. Check out the 2022 edition of our annual celebration of all things Minecraft, featuring new updates, exciting announcements, mob votes, and more! Official youtube channel.

  5. This long-limbed, purple-eyed, darker-than-night mob is not one you want to get into a staring contest with. Usually seen in the Nether and The End, its presence is rare in the Overworld. Rarer still - players who've made eye contact with it and then survived to tell the tale. This mob becomes hostile if you attack it (easily avoided) or if you ...

  6. 从蜂箱收获蜂蜜,将蜂蜜制成糖。 Minecraft 的世界与真实世界一样,皆由蜜蜂开启连接万物的和谐循环! 获取更新. 友善的蜜蜂. 鉴于蜜蜂对人类的巨大付出,轮到人类为它们做一些事情了! 向酿蜜英雄致敬,Mojang 和世界自然基金会已携手拯救蜜蜂,但仍然需要您助我们一臂之力! 了解更多. 您已装满蜂蜜瓶! 太棒了! 由于您的辛勤努力,蜂蜜瓶现已装满。 您的记录:72 小时装满 50,000,000 瓶! 我们根据合作伙伴世界自然基金会提供的信息, 附上了一些小提示 ,方便您了解蜜蜂为什么对我们的现实生活如此重要。 现在您可获得 来自 Razzleberries 的免费地图“蜜蜂的路线” 。 享受甜蜜游戏时光的同时帮助蜜蜂! 忙碌的蜜蜂. 您知道蜜蜂是这个世界上最勤劳的农民之一吗?

  7. 探索 Mojang Studios 招賢納士,立即加入我們的行列!我們攜手合作,透過遊戲的力量打造更美好的世界。 下載啟動器 重新探索 Minecraft 世界。立即下載啟動器,並從上次離開之

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