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  1. 歐洲旅遊 相關

  2. Travel to your favorite destinations in Europe. Finnair's best prices from Fly to Europe and book your tickets already today! Fly with class -

    • Seats

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      make your journey even smoother.

    • Travel requirements

      Plan and prepare for your next trip

      with our travel requirements map.

    • Lounges

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    • Today's offers

      See Finnair's flight offers

      to over 100 destinations.

    • Meals and snacks

      Enjoy tasty meals in the air.

      Pre-order your meal in advance.

    • Travel extras

      Make the most of your journey

      with our travel extras.

  3. 過去一個月已有 超過 1 萬 位使用者造訪過

    暑假跟團超嗨玩!日本/韓國/東南亞/歐洲/美加/紐澳/印度西亞非等精緻主題行程,即刻預定! 全家歡樂暑假遊,快來易遊網卡位!多國優質行程,山水風景、美食饗宴、熱鬧逛街通通有,馬上看!


  1. 2010年12月20日 · 到歐洲旅行總有許多人會被時差所苦由於時差會影響玩的品質帶團時我會強制要求團員依照我的方式來作調整…… 歐洲特派 (10)- 調時差 請你跟我這樣做! 【出國篇】 晚班機:...


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