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  1. How does raising interest rates control inflation? Watch on. 影片播放. When central banks raise interest rates, it's big news. 當中央銀行提高利率時,都會變成大新聞。 ... bank is judging that the only way they can try to pull down inflation is to carry on raising interest rates. ⋯⋯銀行判斷他們可以降低通膨的唯一方式就是繼續提高利率。

  2. 簡單來說,稅前利潤就是企業的營業收入扣除成本和利息,再加上一部分來自於合夥企業的收益。 Operating profits are seen as an even more straightforward measure. 營業利潤則更直接了當的計算法。 On the face of it, these are nothing more than sales minus operating costs. 表面上,營業利潤就只營業收入減去營業成本。 But even this is a little more complicated. 但這背後有許多複雜的因素。

  3. Inflation is the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over time. 通貨膨脹指特定貨幣的購買力隨時間推移而下降。. In other words, take the average price of a basket of selected goods and services in the economy, and estimate the rate at which the purchasing power declines. 換句話說,拿一籃經濟體系中 ...

  4. 因為它這個鼓勵個人進行貪婪與高風險行為的獎勵系統中,最核心的部分。 Bonuses shrank as banks adjusted to the post - bailout reality of lower profits . 在金融危機的紓困計劃結束後,銀行的獲利大不如從前,員工的獎金也隨著大幅縮小。

  5. 除了陡峭的殖利率曲線趨勢外另外一件使美元看好的大事 - 歐元與日幣下跌對央行來說是好消息

  6. The business idea is the cheapest (there are so many ideas!); my stock of means is the most valuable thing in the entrepreneurial process. 商業想法最廉價的 (有太多想法!. ),而我的辦法在創業過程中最珍貴的東西。. So, sixth, "co-creation" develops with the additional means and the new goals of the partners ...

  7. 而成為有錢人的方式也差不多。你還是很努力地工作,你也還是買東西,不同的你買的東西能讓錢進到你的口袋。 Things like real estate. Businesses. Stock. Things called assets. 像是不動產、公司、股本,稱為資產的那些東西。

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