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  1. Five Crowns is rummy with a five-suited deck and a twist. The set collection aspect of rummy is basically the same, with groups of three cards in either runs or denominations making a valid meld. The twist is that in each hand the number of cards required to create a meld increases, from three cards in the first hand to thirteen in the last.

    • (3.5K)
  2. A Feast for Odin,一款由乌玫瑰设计,于2016年发售的桌游。设计师把《拼布》的拼图机制融合到之前设计的各种农场主题工人放置游戏中,并且加入了更多的可选行动,使得乌玫瑰的种地游戏越种越复杂。游戏中,玩家将扮演一支维京家族,通过耕种,畜牧和掠夺发家致富。最终,资产最多的玩家将是 ...

  3. 2020年3月17日 · This version has iron clays inside and tray insert.

  4. Description. Games (expansions, promos, etc.) entered in any of the "9 Card Nanogame PnP Design" contests. The games in this family were all entries in the 9 Card Nanogame PnP Design Contest. The games have a variety of themes and mechanics but all are printable on exactly 9 cards. These games are all designed by BGG users for the contests.

  5. 2015年7月20日 · We will also include two beautiful hardcover volumes, in a slipcase, graced by full-color art by John Howe: the 2nd Edition Rulebook and the War of the Ring Companion, written by Kristofer Bengtsson. Action Dice (16 dice) and Combat Dice (two sets with 5 dice each) will be produced in new colors, unique to this version.

  6. Age of Innovation is a standalone game set in the world of Terra Mystica. Twelve factions, each with unique characteristics, populate this world of varying terrains. Here you will compete to erect buildings and merge them into cities. Each game allows you to create ...

  7. Classification. Clever hoch drei features the same gameplay as Ganz schön clever and Doppelt so clever, but with new categories in which to score — sometimes with several dice at the same time. Your goal: Choose dice, then place the numbers into the matching colored area, put together tricky chain-scoring opportunities, and rack up the points.