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  1. 三年前在Facebook成立「盜版桌遊退散!」集合眾人之力打擊網路上的盜版桌遊,雖然小有成果,但無奈取締盜版桌遊的相關法令規範鬆散,加上桌遊風行誤入歧途的買家和賣家多不勝數,使得盜版在台灣仍然無法根絕...

  2. 2012年1月8日 · 盜版桌遊討發史 - 登陸受阻,練功淘寶. 1月1日活動發起以來,也已經過了一個禮拜。. 回顧我們的行動,各位應該也發現事情沒有那麼容易解決,先幫大家整理幾個重點。. 1.有很多人願意支持打擊盜版的行動。. FB社團目前153人,某些PTT版友私底下也會行動。. 2 ...

  3. 阿納克遺跡的詳細策略指南(翻譯)是一份關於Lost Ruins of Arnak的中文攻略,教你如何在這款冒險探索遊戲中獲得勝利。

  4. Fields of Arle is the most autobiographical game designed by Uwe Rosenberg. Its story is set in the village where his father was born and his parents married. One of the scattered settlements around Arle, Beemoor, is a travel destination in this game. This is where Rosenberg’s father grew up on a secluded farm.

  5. Join the largest board game community online. Discover new games rate and review them and share your passion with others.

  6. On your turn you can take the top card from the discard or draw pile. You can exchange one card (hidden or open) from your display. Round ends when one player has only open cards. (equal turns). All card will be revealed. Add the numbers of the card for scoring. Game ends after one player has 100 or more points. Whoever has the lowest number wins.

  7. The earliest mention of Go (圍棋 (wéi qí)- "surrounding game") appears in the "Analects" of Confucius (551-479 BC), while the earliest physical evidence is a 17×17 Go board discovered in 1952 in a tomb of the former Han dynasty (206 BC- 9 AD). There is a tangle of conflicting popular and scholarly anecdotes attributing its invention to two ...