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  1. 迷失 第6季第3集 迷失第6季集數,亦整部劇集第106集,由Adam Horowitz和Edward Kitsis ... 和你最喜爱的粉丝社区保持同步,不要错过精彩内容。 Lostpedia一个Fandom ...

    • 30 秒
    • 暴風站
    • Incursion
    • Trivia
    • 未回答的問題

    在第4季中,揭示了一個DHARMA工作站,暴風站。這個工作站是一個發電廠和化學武器生產地,敵人就是在這個地方釋出毒氣攻擊DHARMA。Template:Crossref Ben對肅清的說法,獲得了Charlotte Lewis的支持,因為她指出"他(指Ben)曾用過這種方法。"。因此她與Daniel Faraday試圖阻止暴風站的毒氣被再次釋出,以殺害所有島上的居民來保護Ben自己。Template:Crossref

    The DHARMA Initiative was apparently prepared for an attack by the Hostiles of the Flame, which they referred to as an "incursion on the station." The Flame was rigged with explosives and in the event of an incursion, the operators of the station were instructed to enter the number 77 into the station computer, which would trigger the detonation. T...


    1. The exact year that Purge occured was not mentioned during Ben's flashback in ""; however, Horace Goodspeed told Locke in a dream that he had been dead for twelve years. Assuming that this is correct, it places the Purge in 1992. Template:Crossref 2. In an article published on March 6th, 2007, when asked for a 10-word teaser about "", Damon Lindelofreplied that only a one-word tease was required: "Purge." 3. The term "purge" in politics means to "remove people considered by the grou...

    Production notes

    1. Lost: The Complete Third Season (DVD) commentary revealed that the mechanism for the Purge at the Barracks was different from the mechanism Ben used in the van. The gas canister was added in post-production to give Ben a more active-role in his father's death. The original plan was for something to happen more-or-less Island-wide to cause the Purge. 1.1. This mass-purging, rather than a series of individual acts, was later confirmed by Charlotte's statements while neutralizing the Tempest....

  2. Zoe 迷失角色,由系列製作團隊創作,她在迷失第6季第8集正式登場。 Zoe Widmore隊成員,亦一名地球物理學家。Zoe與Widmore和其他隊員一起乘潛水艇到九頭蛇島去,並打算利用Desmond去進行電磁測試。在進行測試前,Zoe在島上遇到了Sawyer,並欺騙Sawyer說她316航班大屠殺中生還者,但是卻 ...

  3. Kyker 迷失角色,由系列製作團隊創作,他在迷失第5季第1集提及。 Kyker 達摩計劃成員,他在1970年代抵達小島,並擔任方針影片導演,不過他最終下落不明,他可能在肅清事件被敵人殺害,或者可能在事件發生前已經離開小島。 在1970年代初期至中期,Kyker加入達摩計劃,之後他和其他新 ...

  4. Jack Shephard 迷失角色,由系列製作團隊創作,他在迷失第1季第1集正式登場。 Jack Shephard Oceanic航空815航班中部生還者,亦Ajira航空316航班生還者、St.Sebastian醫院脊柱外科醫生、DHARMA計劃員工,和前小島保護者。并且事实上成为了815航班幸存者领导人。Jack在面对他无法解决问题 ...

  5. 数字 4 8 15 16 23 42 Lost剧中最著名重复出现主题。 他们首先出现在第1季 第18集 中作为Hurley几百万乐透彩票中奖号码。他第一次从精神病院Leonard口中获得这些数字。Leonard和Sam Toomey在太平洋当海军时候知晓了这组数字。因为Hurley经历了中奖之后灾难,他相信这组数字被诅咒了。在 ...

  6. Libby Smith 迷失角色,由系列製作團隊創作,她在迷失第2季第2集正式登場。 Elizabeth Smith 海洋航空815號航班乘客,亦航班解體事故尾艙生還者。Libby年輕時曾經在醫學院讀書,可是不足一年她便退學了,而她最終卻成為了一名臨床心理學家。期後,Libby共經歷了3段失敗婚姻,當中在第 ...