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  1. 原文出處: 原作者:Clark/中文翻譯:Skypray Huang. 第1版:2022/4/5,最新版:2022/4/22. 註:因為遊戲目前尚無統一中文翻譯,使用Board Game Arena遊戲裡的中文翻譯,可能專有名詞上不甚精確或有些錯誤 (例如Aeroplane被譯為「滑翔翼」而不是「飛機」) 網頁瀏覽版本.

  2. Join the largest board game community online. Discover new games rate and review them and share your passion with others.

  3. In The Vale of Eternity, players are tamers who hunt various monsters and spirits to tame them as minions. In this fantasy world, numerous creatures are living in harmony. Among them, dragons are the most valuable and noble ones, and all tamers dream of taming dragons. The player who manages to tame the most outstanding minions wins.

  4. Cascadia is a puzzly tile-laying and token-drafting game featuring the habitats and wildlife of the Pacific Northwest. In the game, you take turns building out your own terrain area and populating it with wildlife. You start with three hexagonal habitat tiles (with the five types of habitat in the game), and on a turn you choose a new habitat ...

  5. Heroes of Barcadia is a 2-6 player tile-based, dungeon-crawling tabletop party game with a liquid twist: your character’s health is measured by the drink in your glass. Build out your dungeon, fight monsters, collect Power-Ups to advance your character's abilities, and use Loot Cards to stop your opponents from reaching the Grand Drink ...

  6. This game covers all the action of the period using a unique card-driven game system that models both the political and religious conflicts of the period on a single point-to-point map. There are six main powers in the game, each with a unique path to victory: Here I Stand is the first card-driven game to prominently feature secret deal-making.

  7. 2023年5月23日 · “上流社会”的贵族们总是喜欢搞一些所谓的慈善拍卖,来突显自己尊贵的身份和悲天悯人的情怀。 表面光鲜的背后,是贵族们愈发干瘪的钱袋子。 口袋空空,还要打肿脸充胖子实在也很难为他们。 因此,上流社会的生存道是,花最少的钱,赚最大的面子。 老版中文美术没办法了,就不做评价了。 本作在2018年出了一个英文新版,对于封面、卡牌美术做了一些升级,感觉还行。 这次升级将老版的硬派写实风格,换成了穆夏画风偏漫画插画的形式,好评。 黄色橘色位底色,既保留了年代感,又不像原版那么沉闷。 其他比如钱币牌的设计等等,也都加入了不少现代元素和理念,提升效果明显。 新版规则书也挺好看的,墨绿色搭配金色镶边的设计,美感很不错。 内容部分由于是老游戏了,没有大问题,整体的阅读感和条理性都是不错的。