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  1. 澎湖旅遊行程安排 相關

  2. 澎湖追風音樂節開幕,三日遊參與盛典;體驗誘釣海鱺魚、飽嚐肥美鮮蚵,放鬆身心,瞭望海的美麗. 來南環島度假!體驗垂釣樂趣、入住特色民宿,享受狂歡音樂節,即刻報名,探索海峽最閃耀的明珠

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    跟著【大興旅行社】走訪日本北海道函館賞夜景,享三大名蟹,漫步小浪漫樽,泡湯行程超滿檔。 老少咸宜經典旅程!參觀函館千萬夜景,體驗洞爺熊牧場,享受登別地獄谷與溫泉,長腳蟹吃到飽!


  1. 2024年6月24日 · 5 min read. What Is Traveler’s Diarrhea? Traveler's diarrhea is an intestinal infection that happens when you eat or drink contaminated food or water. You can get traveler's diarrhea anywhere, but...

  2. › first-aid › nosebleeds-causes-and-treatmentsHow To Stop & Prevent Nosebleeds

    2021年10月19日 · 3 min read. Why Is My Nose Bleeding? Several things can trigger a nosebleed. The most common cause is dry air, either from having the heat on in winter or being in a hot, low-humidity climate....

  3. 2023年9月5日 · 3 min read. Canine distemper is a highly contagious virus caused by the paramyxovirus. It is seen in dogs around the world, but it can also affect ferrets, racoons, skunks, grey foxes, and many...

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