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  1. 澳洲魚油功效 相關

  2. 最新公布專業營養師分析魚油各大推薦品牌,針對TG、EE、rTG比較優缺點、如何吃、副作用以及劑量. 一次搞懂魚油怎麼吃、功效以及推薦的品牌,吃了有效才又安心。別讓濃度、萃取、德國混淆了你

  3. 調節總膽固醇、血脂的重點就是攝取好油!家後紅麴磷蝦油富含omega-3、蝦紅素,健康輕鬆降OK。 忙碌只能三餐外食,又怕健康亮紅燈?一次補充紅麴+磷蝦油,讓健康更上一層樓,立刻購買!

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  1. "Inspired by the example of the People’s Food Policy Project in Canada (2008-2011), last year we launched the People’s Food Plan process, Australia’s first grassroots and open-sourced food policy initiative.

  2. Permablitzing is a way of turning lawn into micro-farm and suburban house into urban homestead. The term 'Permablitz' is, in fact, a portmanteau of the words 'Permaculture' and ‘Backyard Blitz.’. Permaculture is a design system for sustainable agriculture. Backyard Blitz was an extra-cheesy Australian reality TV show wherein a team of pro ...

  3. Initiated by the Open Food Foundation in Australia, the community’s flagship open source project is an online marketplace and logistics platform to connect local producers with local consumers. Focusing on food distribution mechanisms, the OFN platform is a disruptive innovation aimed squarely at market concentration in food supply networks.

    • About SocietyOne
    • Investors
    • Borrowers
    • Compliance
    • Clearmatch™
    • International Markets
    • Recognition

    SocietyOne is Australia's first fully compliant P2P lending platform. As a P2P lender, SocietyOne connects borrowers and investors in a secure, safe, professional online environment. SocietyOne enables individuals to lend and borrow money to each other without the intermediation of a bank or financial institution. Qualified borrowers can request up...

    The SocietyOne platform is currently open to all Sophisticated and Institutional investors, as defined in the Corporations Act 2001. ( SocietyOne is the trustee of the SocietyOne P2P Lending Trust. The trust is currently an Australian wholesal...

    SocietyOne is targeting Australian consumers who have seen “disproportionately high” lending rates for a long time. ( According to the company, this is not a risk-adjusted pricing model. Instead, the most inequitable pricing under the current lending system...

    SocietyOne is fully compliant with Australia's National Consumer Credit Protection Laws and ASIC's financial services laws. The company holds an Australian Credit License and are an authorised Financial Services Representative of Ironbark Asset Management Pty Ltd, the holder of an Australian Financial Services License. SocietyOne is the first P2P l...

    SocietyOne's proprietary ClearMatch™ technology platform is a mature, fully tested, loan origination, credit assessment and loan portfolio management solution. The platform has taken $10+ million in investment to develop to date. As a bank-grade platform, ClearMatch™ has managed more than $1 billion in consumer finance loans over the past 10 years ...

    SocietyOne's P2P consumer loans platform could eventually also expand beyond Australia into other markets in Asia-Pacific and disburse in local currencies. (

    On January 23, 2013 comparison rate site Mozo recognised SocietyOne's Personal Loan as the Most Innovative Banking Product of the Year ( On February 5, 2013, Peter Renton, publisher and chief blogger at P2P lending site Lend Academy, wrote that SocietyOne might be "the most i...

  4. Family by Family supports families across Australia to help each other thrive. It is a peer-to-peer program that draws on the experience and resilience within communities – we find and train families who have been through tough times, match them with families who want things to change, and coach the families to grow and change together.

  5. "Sharon is a sustainability ideas transmitter, writer and activist from Adelaide, South Australia. She is the ‘ideator’ of ShareNSave, an initiative of the South Australian government which maps community sharing assets. In 2012, she set up Share Adelaide the ...

  6. José Ramos is originally from California from Mexican American and Indigenous ancestry, now residing in Melbourne Australia with his wife De Chantal and son Ethan. An early interest in both environmentalism and fiction led him to start an environmental group 'Earth Angels' at his community college, and organize poetry slams in Long Beach.

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