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  1. Antibiotic prophylaxis within 2 hours prior to incision 手術前2小時抗生素使用率 During the year , the take - up rate remained low 過去一年,網上報稅的使用率偏低。 Antibiotic prophylaxis for less than 3 days after surgery 手術后3天內抗生素使用率 Slurry surfacing

  2. After the amendment is approved by these committees it goes the floors of the senate and the house . 修正案得到這兩個委員會的批準后,付參議院和眾議院表決。 A conference committee to adjust differences between the two houses would be awkward, because its action would have to be approved by the senate, and thus risk another filibuster .

  3. 10.關注,關照。 after four days 四天以后。 after supper 晚飯后。 after school 放學后。 It's twenty after six. 〔美國〕現在是六點二十分。 Shut the door after you when you leave the room. 離開房間時請隨手關門。 A- you, please! 請您先走。 A- you! 您先走!

  4. 可付的;(到期)應支付的。 2.(礦山等)有利的,有開采價值的。 bills payable 應付票據。 payable three days after sight 見票后三日照付。 payable at sight 見票即付。 payable on demand 隨到隨付。 adv. -ably 可獲利地。 "once a mortgage always a mortgage

  5. scaling and root planing. toothwash. "洗" 英文翻譯 : distinct; clear. "牙" 英文翻譯 : tooth. "洗牙具" 英文翻譯 : dental scaler. "羅斯洗牙" 英文翻譯 : the one with ross’s teeth. "洗雪沉冤" 英文翻譯 : wipe out a deep grievance. "洗雪" 英文翻譯 : wipe out (a disgrace); redress (a wrong); right a wrong ...

  6. 擁擠的,擠滿人的,客滿的;充滿 (東西)的;多事的;【植物;植物學】郁閉的。. a crowded career 豐富的經歷。. a crowded hour 事情安排得緊緊的時間。. a crowded week 忙忙碌碌的一周。. crowded solitude 在人群中感到的孤獨。. "be crowded" 中文翻譯 : 擁擠的. "be crowded with ...

  7. tour中文意思::旅行…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋tour的中文翻譯,tour的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。tour in Hindi tour 意味 tour meaning tour en francais tour artinya tourtour перевод tour แปล tour là gì tourとは意味:1tour n.旅行, 観光旅行, ツアー; 視察, 見 ...