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  1. i took the machine apart to show every details. "清拆令" 英文翻譯 : removal order. "清拆;清拆行動;相距空間" 英文翻譯 : clearance. "拆卸;可拆卸的" 英文翻譯 : take-down. "發展性清拆" 英文翻譯 : development clearance. "非發展清拆" 英文翻譯 : non-development clearance.

  2. fire damper中文意思::火災阻止器;防火閥…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋fire damper的中文翻譯,fire damper的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。.

  3. 人們經常建議采用換班的辦法來解決這個問題,但決不會取得什么好效果。You learned the dry-mouthed, fear-purged, purging ecstasy of battle . 你體會到戰斗中那種使人嘴巴發干的,戰勝了恐懼并排除其他雜念的狂喜。

  4. He sounded his horn to warn the other driver. 他 按喇叭 提醒對方司機。. Lawyer : did you blow your horn or anything. 律師:你 按喇叭 了嗎?. The taxi driver blew his horn to tell us that he had arrived. 出租汽車司機 按喇叭 告訴我們他到了。. Why is he blowing his horn like that. 為什么他這樣子 按 ...

  5. We can use telescopes of only modest sizes . 我們可以用中型 望遠鏡 。 The man swept the shore with the glass . 那個人用 望遠鏡 觀察了岸上的動靜。 Each telescope would be 100 meters in diameter . 每個 望遠鏡 的直徑為100米。 Nancy risked using her binoculars .

  6. It's satisfying when the results are good . 叫人滿意的是,結果 圓滿 。 Can we meet all their objections ? 他們提出的反對意見我們都能 圓滿 解決嗎? Nothing had occurred to mar this trip . 沒有什么事破壞這次旅行的 圓滿 成功。 The gardenparty is a great success .

  7. “問題不在于我們會怎樣做。 ”哈洛插嘴說。 When harlow came in, slyme started, and his face became crimson with confusion . 哈洛進去時,斯萊姆嚇了一跳,心里一著慌,臉漲得通紅。 Gradually harlow began to comprehend the meaning of the destruction of the two rolls of paper . 哈洛終于漸漸弄明白毀掉兩卷花紙的用意。 Harlow was so startled that he dropped his brushes and clutched wildly at the ladder .

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