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  1. 燕窩禮盒 相關

  2. 極上燕窩禮盒 $1980 !100% 純正天然,HACCP 國際高規認證,精緻包裝體面送禮,養生健康都兼顧. 極上燕窩禮盒心意十足,100% 純正天然美顏聖品,絕不塗膠、絕不漂白,送禮尊貴大方送進心!

  3. 手提式包裝,無須再另外購買紙袋,精美包裝外盒,廣受好評絕佳口感,面子裡子一次到位! 嚴選品質x包裝用心!經典原味、香醇芝麻、濃情巧克力等多種口味可任選,送禮不怕丟面子!


  1. It is mostly referred to as 燕窩 (yànwō) unless references are made to the savory or sweet soup in Chinese cuisine. According to the Qing dynasty manual of gastronomy, the Suiyuan shidan, bird's nest was regarded as a delicate ingredient not to be flavored or

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