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  1. Starseekers! Explore the sky and bring some light back to your world. Stella is a competitive game in the Dixit universe. In each round, players interpret Dixit cards on a board after receiving a common clue word. Each player observes the Dixit cards and secretly associates these cards with the clue word, marking on their erasable personal slates the cards that they choose.

    • (3.3K)
  2. 《战锤40,000:征服》是一款在星际间战斗的二人成长式卡牌游戏。 它将带你前往特拉克西斯星区的生死战场驱使你去争夺其中的关键行星在你的统帅带领部队走向荣耀胜利的过程中你必须平衡好眼前战斗和未来大计。 在特拉克西斯,不征服就只有死路一条。 在游戏中,每位玩家控制一个统帅和他的部队代表你在星际间交战。 《战锤40,000:征服》包含七个各具特色的派系:星际战士,帝国防卫军,兽人,混沌,黑暗灵族,灵族和钛星人。 每个派系都拥有独特的风格和玩法,而联军轮可以让两个派系形成盟军来一起战斗。 《战锤40,000:征服》 核心包 包含: · 分成7个派系的200多张游戏卡牌. · 10张行星卡牌. · 40张指示物卡牌. · 64枚用来记录伤害、资源等其他内容的指示物。 · 2个指挥转盘。

  3. BoardGameGeek. The definitive source for board game and card game content. Find millions of ratings, reviews, videos, photos, and more from our community of experts.

  4. 玩家将扮演史塔克、拜席恩、兰尼斯特或坦格利安家族,试图通过密谋、争斗、共谋、欺骗及贿赂等种种手段获得最后的胜利! “权力的游戏”支持三至四位玩家间的相互混战模式,同时也适合两位玩家的一对一较量。

  5. 8.1. Inventions: Evolution of Ideas (2024) Follow the evolution of ideas and inventions through times to progress your society. 757 Rating s & 302 Comment s · GeekBuddy Analysis. 1–4 Players. Community: 1–4 — Best: 3. 60–150 Min. Playing Time. Age: 14+. Community: 14+. Weight: 4.68 / 5. 'Complexity' Rating.

    • (528)
  6. Agemonia is a fully co-operative board game with challenging, moral choices, set in an expansive storyline for 1-4 players. Live your destiny, and become the mightiest of unlikely heroes — or even the most despicable of villains — in this unforgettable adventure! As your Heroes explore the Scenario map, story points are triggered, revealing ...

  7. 2020年3月17日 · This version has iron clays inside and tray insert.

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