Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 這怎麼可能?. I freeze his place solid and he turns it into an ice rink. 我把牠的餐廳冷凍了,牠卻把它變成溜冰場。. He's making more money than ever. 牠比以前賺更多的錢。. That's because, unlike you, he's a good businessman. 那是因為他跟你不一樣,他是個好商人。. Well, if it isn't the wind ...

  2. 9 月,漢堡宣布將投資 4 億美元於餐廳裝修和廣告宣傳。 A 30% increase from 2021, which is why Steve and his team filmed this whopper pitch, 相比 2021 年,增長了百分之 30,這就是為什麼 Steve 和他的團隊要拍攝這個華堡廣告, hoping to hook a new with ...

  3. (How To Win An Argument) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. I'm about to tell you how to win an argument, but before I break into psychology and debate tactics, 今天我要來告訴你如何在爭論之中獲勝,在深入探討心理學和辯論技巧之前. why not try my personal winning strategy that actually got me this job? 先來聊聊我得到這份工作使用的必勝戰術吧. [crying] (哭) Hey master debaters, I'm Jules for Dnews, and… you're wrong.

  4. 2.英國漢堡鼓勵客人吃麥當勞(解析英語20210303- 新聞集錦) 6 1 sywu175 發佈於 2024 年 03 月 12 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字 關於 學習服務介紹 認識 VoiceTube 加入我們 常見問題 聯絡我們 熱門搜尋主題 企業英文培訓 服務總覽 口說挑戰 ...

  5. (starring: Patrick Star) (created by: Patrick Star) This show was filmed in front of a live studio audience. 這個節目是在演播室的現場觀眾面前拍攝的。 Why can't I be frightening for once? 為什麼我就不能嚇唬人一次? Where's my chance? 我的機會在哪裡? Well, if you wanna be scary, you're gonna need a good costume. 如果你想變得可怕,你就需要一套好的服裝。 What do you think? 你怎麼看? Great!

  6. has finally been cornered by police! 終於被警察逼上了絕路! [groaning] [呻吟聲] Stand back, coppers, and cease your attack, 退後,警察,停止你們的攻擊。 or I'll make your police chief my late night snack! 否則我就把你的警察局長當做我的夜宵! [laughing] [笑聲] [groaning] [呻吟聲] Do what he says! 按他說的做! [groaning] [呻吟聲] Will the grime of this evil soap globe. 這個邪惡的肥皂球的汙垢會不會. wash over our fair city?

  7. 吳哥窟位於柬埔寨(原稱高棉)北部的暹粒省,吳哥遺蹟總建築群約有300餘座神廟寺堂,佔地24公里長、寬8公里,是高棉吳哥王朝全盛時期所遺留下來的不朽宗教建築,全城雕刻之精美,鬼斧神工,「有雕刻出來的王城」美譽。整個吳哥遺址最有看頭的要算是「世界七大奇景」之一的小吳哥城(Angkor ...

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