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  1. From the Wikipedia: "Resources, events, agents (REA) is a model of how an accounting system can be re-engineered for the computer age. REA was originally proposed in 1982 by William E. McCarthy as a generalized accounting model, and contained the concepts of resources, events and agents (McCarthy 1982). REA is a popular model in teaching ...

  2. ATU develops 130 gongbans annually in areas ranging from smart phones, tablets, smart watches, smart homes, and industrial controls—and distributes the designs for free. WPI then makes money by trading in the boards’ components. "We call this shanzhai in Shenzhen. It’s a mass production artwork,” explains Lawrence Lin head of the ...

  3. 2023年11月6日 · Description. "The diamond is a map that points to three phases that groups pass through as they move from questions to insights. Groups begin with divergent thinking, sit for a while in the chaos and uncertainty of “The Groan Zone” and later move into convergent thinking."

  4. Short Definitions. 1. "Open Hardware is a thing - a physical artifact, either electrical or mechanical - whose design information is available to, and usable by, the public in a way that allows anyone to make, modify, distribute, and use that thing." - The TAPR Open Hardware License [2]

  5. With P2P, it becomes possible for leaders to relinquish some of that command and control, and for individuals to be equals. The book itself is organized around two important concepts—leadership and organization design. There are three elements and patterns: (1) node communities, (2) equipotency, and. (3) relational dynamics.

  6. Here we propose eight principles as the foundation for a new sustainability rights framework. In late 2010, an alliance of civil society groups, networks and foundations, including the Third World Network, Social Watch, DAWN, the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Global Policy Forum, terre des hommes, and the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, launched ...

  7. The annual number of attempts has increased dramatically over time, from four in 2000 to 145 in 2022. Almost two-thirds of attempts resulted in sanction, including 225 terminations (698 of 1,080, or 65%). Nearly three-quarters of terminations involved untenured, rather than tenured, scholars (165 of 225, or 73%).