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  1. 2022年3月14日 · Although seven men of color were leads or co-leads in 2021, not a single non-white woman over 45 was tapped for such a part last year or the year before. “It is clear that the industry still ...

    • Rebecca Sun
  2. 2023年1月27日 · Jane Fonda on Cancer Battle, Privilege and Coming Into Her Own at 85. The unstoppable icon, who has three new movies on the way, opens up about conquering lifelong insecurities, quitting alpha ...

  3. 2017年2月11日 · Almost 45 years after she climbed into the seat of a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun vehicle and smiled for photographers, Jane Fonda, now 79, still finds herself targeted by U.S. military ...

  4. 2023年10月28日 · By Carly Thomas. October 28, 2023 11:05pm. Angelina Jolie Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images. Angelina Jolie has shared a statement amid the ongoing Israel – Hamas war.

  5. 2021年9月10日 · September 10, 2021 3:08pm. Mary Elizabeth Winstead Matt Crossick/PA Images via Getty Images. Mary Elizabeth Winstead has cemented her status as a top-tier action star thanks to her most physically ...

  6. 2023年9月8日 · But danger and disaster followed them, dragging Elena and her friends into the supernatural world of Mystic Falls, full of vampires, witches, werewolves and more. The series also starred Kat ...

  7. 2020年1月25日 · TV News. Marsha Kramer, ‘Modern Family’ Actress, Dies at 74. Marsha Kramer, who most recently played the assistant of Ed O'Neill's Jay Pritchett on the ABC sitcom 'Modern Family,' has died. She...