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  1. It means those who had the vaccine were 95% less likely to get Covid-19: 那就意味著那些接種了疫苗的人感染Covid-19的可能性降低了95%。. The vaccine had a 95% efficacy. 該疫苗的有效率為95%. Now, this doesn't mean that if 100 people are vaccinated, 5 of them will get sick. 這並不是指每100個人接種了疫苗 ...

  2. COVID-19 vaccine • Get the latest information from the CDC. Watch on. 影片播放. So I've been seeing people stick coins to their arm where they've just received the COVID vaccine as if their arm is now magnetized. 最近我一直看到有人把硬幣貼在他們手臂剛注射完支那肺炎疫苗的地方就好像他們的手臂突然有磁力了一樣。 I got the COVID vaccine recently, so I'm gonna try it out. 我最近剛打打了支那肺炎疫苗,所以我想來試試看。

  3. 但很多新的 Covid-19 疫苗比你過去可能習慣的疫苗更容易引起這類副作用特別是在接種第二劑之後

  4. Through all of 2020, Taiwan had a total of seven Covid-19 deaths. 截至2020年,台灣共有7人死於Covid-19。. Seven. 七個人。. Among the lowest in the world. 這是世界上最低的人數之一。. And then, in May of 2021, something changed. 然後在 2021 年 5 月,事情發生了變化。. “Taiwan is now experiencing rising ...

  5. 現在如果你對疫苗感興趣你一定會喜歡我們的談論一種潛在的癌症疫苗的新聞回顧節目

  6. 打了疫苗還能傳播COVID-19嗎? (Could You Still Spread COVID-19 If You Get Vaccinated?) 22 2 Amy.Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字 關於 學習服務介紹 認識 VoiceTube 加入我們 常見問題 聯絡我們 熱門搜尋主題 企業英文培訓 ...

  7. 而這次封鎖所造成的積極影響之一是我們看到人們對疫苗的興趣激增而我們知道疫苗是防止疾病擴散最重要的方式

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