Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. In Cubitos, players take on the role of participants in the annual Cube Cup, a race of strategy and luck to determine the Cubitos Champion. Each player has a runner on the racetrack and a support team, which is represented by all the dice you roll.

    • (9K)
  2. The Dice Game keeps the core of the Bang! card game in place. At the start of the game, players each take a role card that secretly places them on a team: the Sheriff and deputies, outlaws, and renegades.

    • (24.7K)
  3. During Tawantinsuyu: The Inca Empire, players place workers onto various locations on the game board, performing actions, collecting resources (potatoes, corn, stone, and gold), constructing buildings and stairs, sculpt statues, expanding their military strength, and collecting weavings.

  4. Food Chain Magnate is a heavy strategy game about building a fast food chain. The focus is on building your company using a card-driven (human) resource management system. Players compete on a variable city map through purchasing, marketing and sales, and on a job market for key staff members.

  5. Quiddler challenges players to create words from an ever-increasing number of letter cards in their hand. The game lasts eight rounds, with three cards being dealt to each player in the first round, four cards in the second, five in the third, and so on. Each card has one or two letters on it as well as a point value.

  6. Brass: Birmingham is an economic strategy game sequel to Martin Wallace' 2007 masterpiece, Brass. Brass: Birmingham tells the story of competing entrepreneurs in Birmingham during the industrial revolution, between the years of 1770-1870. It offers a very different story arc and experience from its predecessor.

  7. 小心!. 對手好像破解妳的密碼了!. 第二次世界大戰,同盟國破解了納粹的密碼,大幅縮短了戰爭。. 現在,你和你的解碼小組要想辦法破解對手的加密訊息,同時傳遞加密訊息給其他隊友!. 截碼戰考驗語言表達能力、聯想能力以及邏輯思考,簡單好學又 ...

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