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  1. 2019年8月24日 · Enspiral Website - lots of good stuff in every section, links to articles and video content, etc. Enspiral Blog (on Medium) is regularly updated Open Enspiral - a series of short video presentations from different Enspiral Ventures, which we did as part of the Open Source // Open Society conference (which I organised earlier this year) - good way to get a sense of the people and diversity of ...

  2. REA was originally proposed in 1982 by William E. McCarthy as a generalized accounting model, and contained the concepts of resources, events and agents (McCarthy 1982). REA is a popular model in teaching accounting information systems (AIS), but it is rare in business practice.

  3. The diamond of participation is elaborated in Art of Hosting circles to what is called the "8 breaths" model, with 7 small diamonds inside one large one. More Information Book: Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-Making .

  4. Many industries today can only operate because their costs are externalized. For example, statutory caps on liability for oil spills and nuclear meltdowns make offshore drilling and nuclear power profitable for their operators, even as the net effect on society is negative.

  5. Each of the seven basic emotional systems can be located within every mammal’s brain. In the same anatomical regions below the cortex and contain the same neurochemical controls. Panksepp refers to the first four as the “blue-ribbon” core emotions.

  6. Vladimir De Thézier is a progressive researcher, writer and blogger based in Montreal, Quebec. He served as Special Projects Manager for the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies from January 2006 to December 2007.

  7. Adding new stages to this model, Bruns frames his analysis as "Gatewatching," the process by which online individuals and communities promote the journalism they find to be quality, while contributing their own feedback and original analysis to the news discourse. Gatewatchers do serve some of the same gatekeeping functions as working ...

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