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  1. 影片播放. Whitening toothpastes don't remove and don't change the intrinsic color of the tooth structure. 美牙膏不會去除也不會改變牙齒結構的固有顏色。 There are three essential ways of addressing discoloration in your tooth structure. 解決牙齒結構變色問題有三種基本方法。 First, you can buy an over the counter tooth whitening toothpaste that you can find in the grocery store.

  2. 小 V 選的這個影片實在是實用破表,人際互動必備!除了外表上的魅力之外,自信真的會影響一個人很多。這部影片教你的不是什麼化妝或穿搭技巧,而是更難的人際互動技巧。想要增加魅力,快來學習這九個實用撇步。 1charisma0:11 聽起來像是人名還是什麼寶石的這個字,可是個很棒的東西呢!

  3. I don't know why. Ever since I was a child, I have absolutely loved going. 牙醫。. 我不知道為什麼。. 自從我還是個孩子的時候,我就絕對喜歡去。. to the dentist. Maybe because my dentist gave me stickers to play with or something to take. 去看牙醫。. 也許是因為我的牙醫給了我貼紙,讓我玩 ...

  4. 影片播放. - [Narrator] Principles for Success. - [旁白] 成功的原則. An ultra mini-series adventure. - 每集30分鐘. in 30 minutes and in eight episodes. 8集超迷你冒險節目. Episode one, The Call to Adventure. 第一集,冒險的呼喚. Before we begin, let me just establish the fact. 在我們開始之前,讓我確定一個事實. that I don't know much relative to what I need to know. 其實我對於訐多我需要明白的事情都不太了解.

  5. So they eventually meet up in the sick room and they've come up with a plan. 所以在病房相遇的他們有了個計畫. And that's a list of things that they wanna do before they kick the bucket. 他們列了一個死前想要完成的事. That's right, so that's called a bucket list. But just to clarify here, we have a to-do list and then ...

  6. 營養學家警告薄荷摩卡、焦糖烤布蕾咖啡、板栗果仁糖拿鐵和烤巧克力摩卡都含有最多的熱量和飽和脂肪。 She told Mashed, "A 16-ounce size of these drinks provides around 50% of the daily saturated fat limit." 她告訴 Mashed:「一杯 16 盎司大小的飲料含有 ...

  7. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學 ...

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