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    • 1. to sleep; to go to bed

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  2. 睡覺睡眠. I must get some sleep - I'm exhausted. 我必須睡一會兒——我太累了。 也請參見. sleepwalker. get/go to sleep. B1. to succeed in sleeping. 睡著. I couldn't get to sleep at all last night I was so worried. 昨晚我擔心得無法入睡。 You'll find that your baby usually goes to sleep after a feed. 你會發現你的孩子通常吃飽後就睡了。 B1 [ C ] a period of sleeping. (一段時間的)睡眠.

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      sleep翻譯:睡觉, 睡觉,睡眠, (一段时间的)睡眠, 物质, ...

  3. 2020年2月3日 · Sleepy 則是 形容詞 ,指「 睏的、想睡的 」, 英英字典 的解釋是:tired and wanting to sleep(疲倦想睡的)。 有幾個經常搭配的動詞,像是 feel(感覺起來)、look(看起來)、sound(聽起來)。 來看幾個例子: You might feel sleepy after taking this medicine.(吃這藥可能會讓你感到昏昏欲睡。 You look sleepy. Did you stay up late again?(你看起來很睏。 你又熬夜了嗎? asleep 的意思及用法.

    • be out like a light (v.)馬上入睡。[例句]As soon as I get into my bed, I am out like a light.
    • sleep like a log/baby (v.)睡得非常安穩。log (n.)在這邊指漂流木,像漂流木一樣的睡法,可想而知非常安穩。[例句]I slept like a log/ baby every night during the summer vacation .
    • be a deep sleeper (n.)熟睡者;睡著不容易醒的人。[例句]I am a deep sleeper, so I did not hear you calling.
    • toss and turn (v.)輾轉難眠。[例句]I tossed and turned every night after breaking up with my girlfriend.
    • insomnia 失眠症. 例:I have insomnia 我有失眠症。
    • Sleep over 在某人家過夜. 例:Will you sleep over at my house tomorrow? 你明天要在我家過夜嗎?
    • oversleep 睡過頭. over有超過得意思,超過睡覺時間,那就是睡過頭的意思。 例:The teacher was angry because I overslept. 老師因為我睡過頭而感到生氣。
    • nod off 打瞌睡. 例: He nodded off during the lecture. 他在演講過程中打嗑睡。
  4. 2023年8月23日 · 睡覺」的英文用法. Be off to bed. 結束手中的事情,往床的方向過去,那就是睡覺去. 例句: I'm off to bed now. I'll chat with you tomorrow. Hit the sack / hay. 打布袋?打乾草?其實就是睡覺,只是非常口語的說法. 例句:I have to get up early tomorrow, so I'll hit the sack now. Turn in for the night / evening. 片語,上床睡覺. 例句:Do you listen to any music before turning in for the night / evening? 英文會話,零基礎也OK!

  5. 其他人也問了

  6. 2019年5月13日 · 當你起床或要去睡覺時,如果只是 good morning 或 good night,會不會太無聊了呢! 《Let’s talk》講師 Niharik 在 Youtube 上面列舉了一些其他用法,趕快來看看吧! 當你早上起床時,你可以問對方: 1. Hey, good morning, hope you had a good night’s sleep! 嗨 早安,希望你有睡個好覺! 2. Hey, good morning, did you sleep well? 嗨 早安,你睡得好嗎? 當你的朋友睡得很晚,想叫他起床時,可以說: 3. Hey, rise and shine! 起床囉~ 以上都是道早安的其它不一樣的用法, 而如果你昨晚睡得好,可以這樣回應: Oh yes, I did.

  7. adjective. uk / ˈsliː.pɪŋ / us / ˈsliː.pɪŋ / Add to word list. in or relating to the state of sleep. 睡著的. She looked lovingly at the sleeping child. 她慈愛地看著熟睡的孩子。 New technology allows scientists to watch the sleeping brain at work. 新技術使科學家能夠觀察到睡眠時大腦的工作情況。 也請參見. asleep. 見. sleep. 减少例句. Our sleeping environments are better than they ever have been.

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