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    • 1. to sleep; to go to bed

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  2. 睡覺,睡眠. I must get some sleep - I'm exhausted. 我必須睡一會兒——我太累了。 同義詞. kip UK informal. shuteye informal , old-fashioned in UK. slumber literary. 也請參見. sleepwalker. get/go to sleep. B1. to succeed in sleeping. 睡著. I couldn't get to sleep at all last night I was so worried. 昨晚我擔心得無法入睡。 You'll find that your baby usually goes to sleep after a feed.

  3. 2023年8月23日 · 睡覺的英文用法. Be off to bed. 結束手中的事情,往床的方向過去,那就是睡覺去. 例句: I'm off to bed now. I'll chat with you tomorrow. Hit the sack / hay. 打布袋?打乾草?其實就是睡覺,只是非常口語的說法. 例句:I have to get up early tomorrow, so I'll hit the sack now. Turn in for the night / evening. 片語,上床睡覺. 例句:Do you listen to any music before turning in for the night / evening? 英文會話,零基礎也OK!

    • be out like a light (v.)馬上入睡。[例句]As soon as I get into my bed, I am out like a light.
    • sleep like a log/baby (v.)睡得非常安穩。log (n.)在這邊指漂流木,像漂流木一樣的睡法,可想而知非常安穩。[例句]I slept like a log/ baby every night during the summer vacation .
    • be a deep sleeper (n.)熟睡者;睡著不容易醒的人。[例句]I am a deep sleeper, so I did not hear you calling.
    • toss and turn (v.)輾轉難眠。[例句]I tossed and turned every night after breaking up with my girlfriend.
    • insomnia 失眠症. 例:I have insomnia 我有失眠症。
    • Sleep over 在某人家過夜. 例:Will you sleep over at my house tomorrow? 你明天要在我家過夜嗎?
    • oversleep 睡過頭. over有超過得意思,超過睡覺時間,那就是睡過頭的意思。 例:The teacher was angry because I overslept. 老師因為我睡過頭而感到生氣。
    • nod off 打瞌睡. 例: He nodded off during the lecture. 他在演講過程中打嗑睡。
  4. to sleep: We were able to bunk down in the spare room for the night. 我們得以在客房裡睡了一晚。 be dead to the world phrase. to be sleeping: "Is Georgie up yet?" "I doubt it - she was dead to the world ten minutes ago." 「喬姬起床了嗎? 」「我看還沒有--十分鐘前她還在睡呢。 get/put your head down phrase informal. to sleep: I'm just going to put my head down for a couple of hours.

  5. 其他人也問了

  6. Sleep 是 動詞,指「睡、睡覺、入睡」,英英字典的解釋是 to be in the state of rest when your eyes are closed, your body is not active, and your mind is unconscious(處於閉眼、身體不活躍且頭腦無意識的休息狀態)。來看幾個例子: Go to sleep. It’s time for

  7. 這裡就是單純指「睡覺」或是「將要睡覺」的相關單字跟片語,這些字詞的睡眠時長不一、睡眠時間也不一定,但都是處於一個「(將要)睡眠」的狀態:

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