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  1. Comparing the strategy of Threadless with a company offering mass customized t-shirts reveals the difference between both business models: Take Spreadshirt, the market leader in custom t-shirts. Here, users can design their individual t-shirt that is produced just for them with a digital printing machine.

  2. Comparing the strategy of Threadless with a company offering mass customized t-shirts reveals the difference between both business models: Take Spreadshirt, the market leader in custom t-shirts. Here, users can design their individual t-shirt that is produced just for them with a digital printing machine.

  3. We don't need to "solve" the free rider problem because there are more than enough people out there for whom the act of contributing is its own reward. The second problem with the "free riding" frame is that it fails to appreciate that the sheer scale of the Internet changes the nature of collective action problems.

    • Short Definition
    • Long Definition
    • Forces Explaining The Long Tail
    • Players in The Long Tail
    • Examples
    • Discussion
    • French-Language Citation
    • More Information
    • The Long Tail Book

    Jason Foster: The Long Tail is "the realization that the sum of many small markets is worth as much, if not more, than a few large markets."(

    1. Wikipedia: The concept of the long tail was popularized by Wired Magazine editor ChrisAnderson, in his bestseller The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More. As defined by Wikipedia, the long tail “The term has gained popularity in recent times as a retailing concept describing theniche strategy of selling a large number o...

    From John Hagel at Edge Perspectives: "three forces are working to increase the economic and cultural importance of the “long tail" – the growing abundance of products that individually sell in small numbers but that, in aggregate, account for substantial consumption. These three forces are: 1. Democratizing of the tools of production – especially ...

    Chris Anderson at "There are three basic types of participants in Long Tail markets: consumers, aggregators and producers (note that it's possible to be all three; these aren't mutually incompatible). The main effects on each are: 1. Consumers. Effect: Largely cultural. People have more choice, so individual taste increasingly satisfied even if the...

    Long Tail in Books

    Example of one of the effects of the long tail: the dramatic growth of the used books sector through online sales, see

    Long Tail in Music

    1. On the long tail and music (filesharing): "The hits at the top of the charts lose sales, but the niche artists further down the popularity curve actually benefit from file-trading. Form the paper - "Artists who are unknown, and thus most helped by file sharing, are those artists who sell relatively few albums, whereas artists who are harmed by file sharing and thus gain from its removal, the popular ones, are the artists whose sales are relatively high." But then "File sharing is reducing...

    See also: A Critical Reader's Companion to the Long Tail. By Tom Slee. Hod Lipson & Melba Kurman: "A key effect of the long tail of retail, as described by Anderson, is that products thatearn little sales revenue can collectively, if enough of these low sellers are offered tothe market, make up a revenue stream that rivals or exceeds that of the re...

    " le modèle de la "longue traîne", en démultipliant la surface de vente et en ouvrant le stock des venderus, il est possible de donner une jeunesse quasi éternelle aux produits de fond de stock. L'idée vient de l'analyse des ventes des libraires et va maintenant pouvoir s'appliquer à tout type de vente en ligne. Imaginons un blogueur fédérant une c...

    Pages on this Wiki

    1. The Chris Anderson on the Long Tailpodcasts and webcasts 2. Between the world of hits and the long tail there is the Fat Belly, writes Robert Young. 3. I am the Long Tail: (commercial, but interesting) documentary with testimonies of successful long tail entrepreneurs 4. Long Tail Alliance: IAB initiative

    External Links

    1. A podcaston how the long tail applies to non-profits and associations. 2. A print interview on peer production and the traditional media 3. Long Tail on Wikipedia 4. A Critical Reader's Companion to the Long Tail. By Tom Slee.

    Sample chapters at UK Book site at The Long Tail New York book launch video The Random House book promotion video Comments by John Hagel at Edge perspectives, at

  4. 2. Helsinki Timebank values and principles. Helsinki Timebank’s objective is to support mutual assistance between people, and through this strengthen communal culture. Helsinki Timebank strengthens a social and ecological just local economy, in which everyone is of equal value and has equal participation possibilities.

  5. Bio. Alex Pazaitis is researcher at the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology and core member of P2P Lab. He holds a PhD in Technology Governance and is leading parts of the COSMOLOCALISM and CENTRINNO projects Alex has extensive experience from research and innovation projects and project ...

  6. Description. Raffael Kéménczy summarizes: The One People's Public Trust (OPPT) was used to establish the legal foundation for re-gaining individual legal sovereignty within the current framework. In-depth investigation by the OPPT (and others before) have led to the conclusion that all corporations (including governments as corporations) are ...

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