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  1. 碩士論文格式範例 word 相關

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  1. In the 1980s, many papers started to be made available in electronic form, generally formatted as text (ASCII), PostScript, or later PDF (Portable Document Format) and Word (doc). Although some of these formats were initially proprietary, all have since become standard and available from multiple vendors.

  2. The abrupt and dramatic changes in word frequencies suggest the existence of powerful underlying social dynamics at play. It is noteworthy that prejudice-denoting words are markedly increasing in prevalence alongside long-term decreases in overt expression of prejudice [6]-[9] yet recent increases in the perceived prevalence of such prejudice among the general public.

  3. Furthermore, the actual word ‘compeer’ is defined as ‘an equal’ or ‘peer’, with the archaic verb meaning ‘to be equal to’. This connotation is fitting as it points to the need to enable equitable opportunities to produce, access, govern, and collaboratively use the commons. Lastly, compeerism, as a word, is succinct and ...

  4. In other words, resistance to mode of exchange B came from mode of exchange C, which emerged in the cities. In sum, the ‘class struggle’ that took place during the medieval period was not an issue of modes of production; it was a conflict between mode of exchange B and mode of exchange C, which was spreading from the cities.

  5. We can translate this into four core principles of produsage, then: Open Participation, Communal Evaluation: the community as a whole, if sufficiently large and varied, can contribute more than a closed team of producers, however qualified; Fluid Heterarchy, Ad Hoc Meritocracy: produsers participate as is appropriate to their personal skills ...

  6. Increasing prevalence of prejudice-denoting words in news media discourse is often substantially correlated with U.S. public opinion survey data on growing perceptions of minorities’ mistreatment. Granger tests suggest that the prevalence of prejudice-denoting terms in news outlets might be predictive of shifts in public perceptions of prejudice severity in society for some, but not all ...

  7. In fact, these materials have led to a breakthrough in creating technology that, in the words of Amber Case, “disappears from our view and becomes simply an enabler.” Catarina’s experiments with conductive ink, paper circuits, muscle wires or even thermochromic paint are only the beginnings of the large innovative potential the sharing of knowledge in this field has.