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  1. My group really enjoys this one, but we found that we run out of questions very quickly. I've recently started coming up with some new ones and thought I'd share them. If you have any to add, they would be gladly received! These are not necessarily family friendly

  2. Hi everyone, Today is the official release of Lorcana and I think it’s a good time to review this game for those who are pondering the idea of diving into another expensive and time-consuming TCG. On top of being a long-term TCG, CCG and LCG player, I

  3. There are just a few cards which are somewhat problematic (Special Order, Spoon), and they can simply be not used. Also, Sushi Go Party even simplifies the rules - original Sushi Go uses a needlessly convoluted way to resolve ties, Sushi Go Party goes with a more generous way which requires no division of points.

  4. With this list I'll try to give an overview of all the gameplay mechanics of Carcassonne (only the base game) and all it's official expansions. The explanations assume a general knowledge of the base game. You will find the content and the basic rules :?block: some rules explaind

  5. What does this card mean?

  6. 스플렌더: Pokémon (Splendor: Pokémon) | Board Game | BoardGameGeek. Take your pokemon to the next level!

  7. Innocence Or Money Season 1 - The Complete Season (Episodes 1 to 8) (Windows and Linux download edition) [Video Game Release Link] [What Links Here]What